Compilation xbmc in linux

and with cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr

/home/khadas/xbmc/xbmc/utils/EGLUtils.cpp:102:5: error: ‘EGL_DEBUG_MSG_CRITICAL_KHR’ was not declared in this scope
/home/khadas/xbmc/xbmc/utils/EGLUtils.cpp:38:31: note: in definition of macro ‘X’
#define X(VAL) std::make_pair(VAL, #VAL)
/home/khadas/xbmc/xbmc/utils/EGLUtils.cpp:102:5: note: suggested alternative: ‘EGL_BITMAP_PITCH_KHR’
/home/khadas/xbmc/xbmc/utils/EGLUtils.cpp:38:31: note: in definition of macro ‘X’
#define X(VAL) std::make_pair(VAL, #VAL)
/home/khadas/xbmc/xbmc/utils/EGLUtils.cpp:103:5: error: ‘EGL_DEBUG_MSG_ERROR_KHR’ was not declared in this scope
/home/khadas/xbmc/xbmc/utils/EGLUtils.cpp:38:31: note: in definition of macro ‘X’
#define X(VAL) std::make_pair(VAL, #VAL)
/home/khadas/xbmc/xbmc/utils/EGLUtils.cpp:103:5: note: suggested alternative: ‘EGL_BAD_STREAM_KHR’
/home/khadas/xbmc/xbmc/utils/EGLUtils.cpp:38:31: note: in definition of macro ‘X’

Whatever happens I come across EGL_PLATFORM_X11_EXT.

I tried the gdm platform but I get this error message
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:137 (message):
Could NOT find GBM (missing: GBM_INCLUDE_DIR) (found version “17.1.8”)
Call Stack (most recent call first):

I can’t put libgdm-dev, because it conflicts with linux-gpu-mali-fbdev.

If I use the raspberry platform, it does not work because I miss the mmal package.

I don’t see how you did it: x

Currently, Xmbc is my only point blocking Khadas.

Which distro? Try Manjaro and it is pre built. You just have to install it.

I use the

I make a test with movies into cloud :slight_smile:

Last I remember Khadas used to ship kodi with their 4.9kernel DE images.

Try Manjaro I have released latest images which is 20.06.

Will need Android in emmc for sd card to boot into Manjaro.

I’m going to watch Manjaro.
I need access to the nvme and the NPU: p

You can have nvme support on Manjaro but no idea about NPU.
You can build arch packages from AUR and use it on Manjaro as arch have the largest packages of all the distros available.

@Spikerguy, when you boot on android how you boot on SD card which content manjaro ?

I follow also

When you have android on emmc then you can boot into manjaro by enabling multiboot.

You can enable multiboot by pressing function button 3 times within 3seconds.
If not then try the other methods mentioned in

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I believe that’s three times in two seconds to enable Multiboot, doesn’t matter if your doing it fast enough :grin:


I press it three times as fast as I can, I don’t like to be late. :grin:


Actually, I pressed well 3 times quickly. It reboots with the blue LEDs but after it boots on the Android: x

@ronron in that case you can try, (KEYS mode)
–> while the board is turned off but powered,
press both the power ad reset buttons,
keep pressing both till you see the Khadas logo, at that moment release the reset button, but don’t release the power button

the logo should come back, at that moment release the power button as well, you should have booted into Multiboot.

Read here for more data:

This is my technique, as I can’t really count the time correctly, so I have assigned those timestamps referring to when the boot logo appears and disappears, but you can follow Khadas website :smile:

Reading it is simple, but in reality it is very complicated.
It’s stranger, I hnow to go into Android recovery very quickly. But multiboot is less obvious.

Yes, the difference between entering recovery mode, and Multiboot is so subtle, that even me having so much experience in enabling multi boot for atleast 50-60 times now, I have had situations where I have accidentally enabled Recovery mode instead :upside_down_face:

ARf, I lost boot USB. I can’t install anything anymore. It’s lose :frowning:

I am sorry, couldn’t get what you said,
you lost your Boot USB ?, the one you were using to Boot linux ?

I even have a black screen

Oh dear, what seems to be the problem now ?
No signs of booting?, no LEDs ?

I’m looking for a serial link. I have no more LEDs no reaction