Cannot found device in adb [VIM3]

I got a vim3 basic board, I connected vim3 to a monitor via HDMI cable. Internet is working with LAN cable. Still, I didn’t found in my Android studio. Also In both I have same gmail login

hi, to make it easier, use “ADB RUN”

Can you please share more detail. My vim3, Device preference → about → status not opening so not able to do following command.

adb connect device_ip_address

Did you enable USB debugging in the android?

yes it’s enable. Vim3 found in other pc but In my pc I am not able to detect

hmm, then the problem is clearly not in vim! do you agree?

yes, you are right but I am not able to open {device preference -> about -> status } so not able to get mac address or ip address.

You can see all this information in your router! :wink:

Set the target device to listen for a TCP/IP connection on port 5555

disconnect the USB cable from the Android device

adb tcpip 5555


Connect to a device over Wi-Fi.

find your Android device IP address at Settings > About phone > Status > IP address

adb connect


Confirm that your host computer is connected to the Android device over Wi-Fi

adb devices

List of devices attached device