Can not get VIM3 into upgrade mode

Hello @Spikerguy

I see POC:D which means maskrom mode but there is not sign on burning tool.

Why you can’t POC:D before? What you changed now?

What do you think, maybe something with an sd-slot?

I checked tst mode uart this time before I didn’t check Uart for TST mode.
Also this time I tried M Register with power on instead is reset button.
In both the away case I get POC:D but nothing in burning tool.

Do you also have RK burn tool installed on the same PC? I recall
I have had issues when they were both installed. I removed RK tool. Removed and reinstalled the AML USB burning tool to resolve the issue.

Realizing you are well ahead of me technically on this, I will stop taking these “shots in the dark”. :grin:

No I don’t have rktools.

Nothing like that, its always helpful to get support.

Thanks for the reply though.

Anything else I can do?

Is there any way to test the usb c connector? @numbqq @Gouwa

if u have tester u can test usb data pins -+D - cut some usb cable and make simple test

LED signal comes from it,if it did not work, I think the LED did not give any signal at all

I will let our guys contact you for a solution.

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I tag along this thread because I’m trying to do the very same thing with my VIM3/PRO board without getting connected to the Aml_USB_Burn_Tool_v3.1.0 running on my PC.
I tried the TST mode and the Keys mode without success. The Burning tool does not show up the connected status. The USB cable is ok and carries data.

I attach photo showing the revision of my board, that I’ve got a few days ago. Thank you for any help

Just forgot to mention that the board is functional, it correctly boots the factory Android on eMMC working apparently fine.

Hello, I assume you meant USB Burning Tool 2.2.0.

I see. For some reasons I installed the v3.1.0 instead, maybe since it is the latest available. Replaced the wrong version with 2.2.0 and it instantly worked. Sorry for this mishap.

Many thanks so far.
PS: What the latest 3.1.0 is good for then?

Where is 3.1.0? I hope you’re not talking about rk burning tool.

Sorry again, I am mostly unaware of so many “red herrings” that I could come across. My 3.1.0 was taken according the below picture


Yes, like Spikerguy said, where do you get the 3.1.0 and by what name is the tool?
After a quick search, I found 3.1.0 on a site. I am not familiar with it, but Spikerguy tested it and believed it to be a fake app and that’s good enough for me, so I removed the link.
For Khadas products, might be a good idea to use to get the tools, as I assume Khadas will keep the best version for their SBCs there.

EDIT. Haha, I must have been writing as you posted. :grin:

Anyway, glad you got it going.

Post has been edited.

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Got it, so many thanks :upside_down_face:
Cheers, Marco

I thought maybe the latest 3.1.0 can help me detect my board but looks like is is a fake application which cannot even detect my vim1 and it also have some dll error when running the app.

So again I am back with a bricked Vim3 :cry: Hopefully I can return it for replacement.

That is unfortunate. I have removed the link to avoid any further possible funny business with the fake app.
I was somewhat skeptical of the version number, still have a lot of version 2.x.x to get to before we see a version 3.x.x. :grin:
Hope you get the issue resolved.

Is there anyway I can erase the uboot?

@Frank @numbqq ?

I think If I can remove the existing uboot then maybe I should be able to get device into upgrade mode or atleast make it boot from sd into krescue?

I just tried erasing the emmc using the key mode method mentioned here

But that doesn’t do anything.