Can enable Text-to-Speech function on VIM4 Android 11?

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?


Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Android 11-64bit V230601 Khadas official image

Please describe your issue below:

I try to use Text-to-speech function on my own app but system throw error when I run my app.

Post a console log of your issue below:

Android console log:

Process: com.example.androidtexttospeech, PID: 7241
Caused by: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.speech.tts.engine.INSTALL_TTS_DATA }

Can I enable Text-to-speech on VIM4 Android image?

@pinij GoogleTTS.apk was not compiled into the system. You can try installing Google TTS in the Google App Store. And provide me with feedback on the results, perhaps adding the next version. Alternatively, you can tell me the verification method and I will verify it on my end.

Hi @goenjoy
Sorry for reply too late, The Google TTS engine not support on VIM4

I install google assistant in my VIM4 device.
google assistant have Speak To Text , Text To Speaker output.

But I use TextToSpeech library (TextToSpeech  |  Android Developers)
write a apk.
this Text To Speech apk can work in VIM3 , but can not work in VIM4.
VIM4 show “TTS Initialization Failed”

I use play store text reader apk

This apk install in VIM3 have TTS output.
This apk install in VIM4 but no TTS output.

Hi , I find VIM4 have google play store.
Does VIM4 have passed Google certification ?(ex : Google GMS…Google GPL)

I find VIM3 have google play store.
Does VIM3 have passed Google certification ?(ex : Google GMS…Google GPL)

Thank you for providing the verification method. I will follow up on this issue and provide you with a solution.

None of these verifications were done.

I find a method can enable Text to speech.
I use chrome download “Speech Recognition & Synthesis” file , then install it in VIM4.
Then do below setting
Setting → system → Languages & input ->Text-to-speech output → Preferred engine
VIM4 reboot.
The TTS can output.

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