Burn tool not unpacking


I didn’t want to get stopped so early when using the VIM3, but have had an issue with the burn tool.

dan@antec:~/Khadas/utils$ burn-tool -v aml -b VIM3 -i ../VIM3_Ubuntu-gnome-focal_Linux-4.9_arm64_EMMC_V1.0.9-211217.img.xz 
Try to burn Amlogic image...
Burning image '../VIM3_Ubuntu-gnome-focal_Linux-4.9_arm64_EMMC_V1.0.9-211217.img.xz' for 'VIM3/VIM3L' to eMMC...
Rebooting the board ........[OK]
Unpacking image [KO]

Is the image supposed to be extracted first? The LED did not light back up after the rebooting the board, are we sure the board rebooted? Apologies if I am missing something simple. Any help would be appreciated


Yes, you need to uncompress the xz file to img file.

Thanks Nick.

Yes i needed to

sudo apt-get install xz-utils
unxz VIM3_Ubuntu-gnome-focal_Linux-4.9_arm64_EMMC_V1.0.9-211217.img.xz