Build vim2 firmware including root support

I’ve got it on low it sounds much better now I like it looks much better then what it did before I was bit worried taken it out of the box because it’s got layers it’s like a puzzle but I got it in it’s new box at first the screws didn’t look the right size then it hit me the screws for attaching the heatsink to are TA screws but the screwdriver that comes with the diy box doesn’t fit I’ve got professional screwdriver set I found a TA bit that fits there’s 4 screws

Yes, the original case was a puzzle. I posted the key to that puzzle here, scroll to bottom of first post. Irrelevant now, as I doubt you will go back to the original case . :smile:

Low fan setting should be adequate for cooling. Either way, your VIM2 has got to be running much cooler now. Good stuff.

On the front of the vim2 there two led lights before I put in this diy box and it was in the other box the light would dim and go bright there is no light at all is this normal there not coming on at all only when you power off.

Look for LED settings in the settings. Heartbeat or Breathe and off are among the choices.
Also check to insure front antenna is not covering the LED.

I’ve done that turned it on led in settings and the antenna is not covering the led it’s got vim2 printed on the antenna there’s a gap for the two I noticed that the led white light wasn’t on and where I attached the heatsink the wire for the antenna was coming out of the front so it was covering the led so I removed the heatsink and made sure the the wire to the antenna was coming from side now you can see the lights through the gap but white still not on when I power off the blue light comes on I don’t understand why the white light is not on how do I get the light back on I’m hoping my vim2 is not damaged.

I will check my VIM2 tonight. Be a few hours before I am with the VIM2.

I’ve changed the rom I’ve gone back to the first image still no led white light this is bugging me now I was looking at a picture what khadas sent me ages ago and in picture he’s got he’s vim2 connected up and you can see the white light and that’s in a diy box so it’s supposed to work unless the light as packed up so that means my vim2 is faulty

You don’t see any change no matter the setting?

Yes that’s correct, Gouwa as got back to us he said you don’t see led white light when assembled in diy box he must know something it’s something to do with the diy box your led settings is because your on pie I’m breathe mode and heartbeat mode and on and off the is not coming on at all I think it’s something to do with the diy box because Gouwa mentioned it straight away

My VIM2 is not cased, so I cannot tell. If the DIY case blocks the LED from being seen, I would think it would still be somewhat visible in a dark room.

It’s a transparent diy case so you can see if the light is on off and it’s definitely not on I’m waiting to hear from Gouwa see what he says but I do think it’s something to do with the diy case

I will wait to see what you and Gouwa come up with. Keep us posted.

@Gouwa as got back to us whats this mean I guess the white LED should be bumped into the enclosure and damaged during the assembly process what’s mean by bumped does he mean drop or damaged but the thing is I haven’t dropped it or damaged it in anyway the thing is I don’t understand why the led white light is not working because the power off blue light is working but he wants me to return it for repairs what I don’t understand is I haven’t dropped or damaged it I was very careful taking it out of the original case so what would you do return it for repair what I don’t understand is why the blue light works and the white light doesn’t strange

I assume Gouwa means that something happened during the case install. Did you send him an HD photo of the LEDs and surrounding area? If so, could you post the photo here?

I have been working with electronics for over 30 years. But even that experience did not keep me from knocking a component off of the Edge’s Captain board. Fortunately the same experience allowed me to put it back on. My point is, mistakes can happen even with great care. Gouwa knows infinitely more about Khadas boards than I do, and that is an understatement. I would consider deeply his advice.

If you have no other symptoms, other than the LED, and can tolerate LED without its function, maybe you could live with it. However, you may want to ask Gouwa if running the VIM2 with the damage could cause further harm to the board.

I’ve sent him some photos to @Gouwa so you think I should send it back to him for repair when bought this is my khadas vim2 64gb 4g Max but the one they sell now is only 3g why is that and if they have to replace it it’s not going to be the same I got mine at gearbest they don’t sell know khadas now.

I would think the damage could be repaired, so it is likely you would get your original VIM2 back. However, that is based on speculation as I have not seen it myself. Also I have not returned anything for repair, so I have little to offer on the subject.
I do see 3GB max RAM, so not sure how that would work, should your board be irreparable.

I do not know what turnaround times are from you shipping it to you getting it back. I assume it could take some weeks or beyond. Only you can decide if sending it in is best for you. Having no experience with the process, I can’t really offer advice on it.

Again, I would see if Gouwa could advise on the harm, if any, that could occur from operating the VIM2 in its current state. For me, if it was OK to run it like that, I would live without the LED, and skip the repair. That is just what I would do, it is not advice as to what you should do. :slightly_smiling_face:

I like to know everything is in working order but if something is out of place I’m not happy until ever I can fix it but I am thinking of returning it for repair because I like to know that my vim2 is in working order but they might find out what is rebooting or restarting I’ve made up my mind I’m going to return it

I understand. I think you will be happier in the long run. :slightly_smiling_face:
Let us know how it goes.

My vim2 is still rebooting I was downloading a movie half way through the download it restart it self it’s got to be faulty it’s going keep doing it I’m khadas can replace it this must of gone off at least 60 times

I thought your VIM2 would be on the way back to Khadas by now. :slightly_smiling_face:
Sooner you send it the sooner you get it back.