Boot Logo Not Working

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Android 11

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

November 23 Release

Please describe your issue below:

Im following these instructions to replace the boot logo

$ adb root
$ adb remount
$ adb push xxx.bmp /mnt/vendor/odm_ext/logo_files/bootup.bmp
$ adb shell sync
$ adb reboot

and the boot logo remains the khadas logo, ive even pulled the original bootup.bmp, scribbled over the top and re uploaded. when i pull again i can confirm its the new version however the its not changing on boot.

Post a console log of your issue below:

realwear % adb -s 35b0000203 root                                                                                         
restarting adbd as root
realwear % adb -s 35b0000203 remount                                                                                      
remount succeeded
realwear % adb -s 35b0000203 push ~/bootup_rotate_secondary.bmp /mnt/vendor/odm_ext/logo_files/bootup_rorate_secondary.bmp
/Users/xxx/bootup_rotate_secondary.bmp: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 357.6 MB/s (1440138 bytes in 0.004s)
realwear % adb -s 35b0000203 push ~/realwear/bootup.bmp /mnt/vendor/odm_ext/logo_files/bootup.bmp                         
/Users/xxxn/realwear/bootup.bmp: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 390.6 MB/s (1440138 bytes in 0.004s)
realwear % adb -s 35b0000203 shell sync                                                                                   
realwear % adb -s 35b0000203 reboot    

to add, this works for the HDMI output but not the Display Mipi output

Hello, do the pictures you modified follow this format?

Image format:
  • 16bit RGB565 (BMP)
  • must be less 1080P (1920×1080 px)

I used the default khadas images that were already in the device using “pull”, let me check my Mac doesn’t change the format

@xiong.zhang can you provide me some files that i can test with?

hi @xiong.zhang do you have a image i can try and push into the VIM4 to test??

Try these logos and see

hi @xiong.zhang, i tried all three logos and the TS050 screen still shows KHADAS, can you confirm this is working on your end?

I have it reproduced here. This problem only occurs with the TS050 MIPI screen. I will let you know as soon as possible after repairing it. Sorry.

hi @xiong.zhang

any update on this?


hi @xiong.zhang any update on this?

Hello, because the TS050 is the MIPI screen of the vertical screen, but we have made a horizontal screen display in the system, but this will conflict with the use of ADB replacement logo. After replacement LOGO can only compile your own logo compile firmware

xiong@server:/users/xiong/work/amlogic/vim4/bootloader/uboot$ git diff
diff --git a/board/khadas/configs/kvim4.h b/board/khadas/configs/kvim4.h
index 30a955359b..fda44d018d 100644
--- a/board/khadas/configs/kvim4.h
+++ b/board/khadas/configs/kvim4.h
@@ -723,6 +723,10 @@
             "if rdext4pic ${board_logo_part} $loadaddr; then bmp display $logoLoadAddr; " \
             "else if imgread pic logo bootup $loadaddr; then bmp display $bootup_offset; fi; fi;" \
+        "load_rotate_bmp_logo="\
+            "if rdext4pic ${board_logo_part} $loadaddr; then bmp display $logoLoadAddr;" \
+            "else if imgread pic logo bootup_rotate_secondary $loadaddr; then bmp display $bootup_rotate_secondary_offset; fi; fi;" \
+            "\0"\
                        "hdmitx hpd;hdmitx get_preferred_mode;hdmitx get_parse_edid;dovi process;"\
                        "run CONFIG_DUAL_LOGO; "\
@@ -810,7 +814,7 @@
        "if test ${khadas_mipi_id} = 1 || test ${khadas_mipi_id} = 3; then "\
         "setenv fb_width 1080;setenv fb_height 1920;"\
         "setenv display_width 1080;setenv display_height 1920;"\
-        "setenv display_layer osd0;osd open;osd clear;imgread pic logo bootup_rotate_secondary $loadaddr;bmp display $bootup_rotate_secondary_offset;bmp scale;vout output ${outputmode};"\
+        "setenv display_layer osd0;osd open;osd clear;run load_rotate_bmp_logo;bmp scale;vout output ${outputmode};"\
        "else if test ${khadas_mipi_id} = 2; then "\
         "setenv fb_width 1920;setenv fb_height 1200;"\
         "setenv display_width 1920;setenv display_height 1200;"\
@@ -832,7 +836,7 @@
        "if test ${khadas_mipi_id} = 1 || test ${khadas_mipi_id} = 3; then "\
         "setenv fb_width 1080;setenv fb_height 1920;"\
         "setenv display_width 1080;setenv display_height 1920;"\
-        "setenv display_layer osd0;osd open;osd clear;imgread pic logo bootup_rotate_secondary $loadaddr;bmp display $bootup_rotate_secondary_offset;bmp scale;vout output ${outputmode};"\
+        "setenv display_layer osd0;osd open;osd clear;run load_rotate_bmp_logo;bmp scale;vout output ${outputmode};"\
        "else if test ${khadas_mipi_id} = 2; then "\
         "setenv fb_width 1920;setenv fb_height 1200;"\
         "setenv display_width 1920;setenv display_height 1200;"\
@@ -850,7 +854,7 @@
                "osd open;osd clear;"\
         "setenv fb_width 1080;setenv fb_height 1920;"\
         "setenv display_width 1080;setenv display_height 1920;"\
-        "setenv display_layer osd0;osd open;osd clear;imgread pic logo bootup_rotate_secondary $loadaddr;bmp display $bootup_rotate_secondary_offset;bmp scale;vout output ${outputmode};"\
+        "setenv display_layer osd0;osd open;osd clear;run load_rotate_bmp_logo;bmp scale;vout output ${outputmode};"\
        "else if test ${khadas_mipi_id} = 2; then "\
                "osd open;osd clear;"\
         "setenv fb_width 1920;setenv fb_height 1200;"\