Bluetooth not working on edge-v pro

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Ubuntu 20.04

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

self built images via Fenix

Please describe your issue below:

Bluetooth not working, no device present. Seems the sbc bt hardware is not recognized by the system.
My board is a Khadas Edge-V pro.

Post a console log of your issue below:

sudo hciconfig hci0 up
Can't get device info: No such device

@numbqq @Frank can you help on this?


Hello @MaxLeggieri

Please provide the make info output. Please follow up.

Hi @numbqq and thanks for the quick reply. Here is the make infos:



@MaxLeggieri I verified after if there is this problem. Detailed solutions will be provided for you.

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@MaxLeggieri Hi~ The problem you described did not appear in my test. Here is the make infos:

Fenix Version:         1.3
Khadas Board:          Edge1
Uboot Version:         2017.09
Uboot Configuration:   kedge_defconfig
Uboot Branch:          khadas-edge-v2017.09
Linux Version:         4.4
Linux Configuration:   kedge_defconfig
Linux DTB:             arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3399-khadas-edge-linux.dtb
Linux Branch:          khadas-edge-4.4.y
Distribution:          Ubuntu
Distribution Release:  focal
Distribution Type:     minimal
Distribution Arch:     arm64
Install Type:          EMMC

It is recommended to pull the latest code from a remote repository(all). Recompile the firmware.

Dear and @numbqq

My build (after a pull) was on November 17 at 19:08. Do u mean the repo is changed about bluetooth from that date?


Hi~ @MaxLeggieri
The bluetooth part of the code is unchanged.

Can you provide firmware compiled with Fenix? Let me see if it’s a hardware problem.

Another thing, why your make info is different from mine?

Version: 1.3
Current environment:



My build machine:

Linux 5.15.0-53-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 17 18:53:30 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux


@MaxLeggieri Hello friend

The other way I look at it. Same way as you, the result is shown below.

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Hi and really thanks for your help!

You can download my image here:

ps. seems that my first build was on Fenix 1.2.2

Let me know

1 Like from a first try it seems it is working with the image built from Fenix 1.3, great!
Will try pairing a couple of devices and will let you know.


I’m delighted to hear your success.

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