Bluetooth connection issue in kvim3

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Aosp 9 on vim3

Please describe your issue below:

When my KVIM3 running AOSP 9 connects to my Android phone via Bluetooth (tethering), the WiFi or Ethernet connections on the SBC stop working. The KVIM3 needs to rely on the Android device for data through tethering, but I also need to send app launch commands to the KVIM3 from my Android phone app via Bluetooth. However, I’m losing data connectivity when Bluetooth is connected, or Bluetooth isn’t connecting when WiFi/Ethernet is on. How can I resolve this issue?

I even thought of shifting my command communication from Bluetooth SPP to BLE GATT server client but kvim3 not supporting ble advertisement.

Please help me on this issue…

@xiong.zhang, @Electr1 can any of you guys help me in solving this issue…

After you connect to Bluetooth, connect to the VIM3 hotspot and you can use the network while connected to Bluetooth

@xiong.zhang thanks for you reply.

In my scenario khadas vim3 will always get connected to a Ethernet / WiFi for data connectivity (high speed) and my Bluetooth controller app hosted on other android phone may or mayn’t have high speed network connection which is impacting data connectivity of vim3 board that’s my issue.

one more bug we are facing is kvim3 board loaded with aosp9 is getting connected with android 10 or below versions and iphone via bluetooth tethering but for android 13 and higher versions it is not getting connected which ever way we are trying.
(for this I made a video but cannot upload it here)

I went through this link Device wrong network priority 4g > LAN, but in my code NETWORK_SCORE is kept to 70 only but still Bluetooth tethering is affecting my ethernet network or external wifi connectivity.

If you want to connect to WiFi and use hotspot on VIM3, you need to turn on RSDB
This will not interrupt STA WLAN when using softAP

I used an Android 14.0 phone to test that connecting to Bluetooth and connecting to the VIM3 hotspot at the same time can achieve the purpose of using the network on the phone.

Hi @xiong.zhang,

Thanks for your Advice, I tried but its not working for me it’s ok, my ethernet is working fine now when BT was connected.

I followed the Khadas documentation procedure to build my Kvim3 Android 9 images. While I am able to connect Android 11 and below, as well as iPhones, to the Kvim3 board via Bluetooth, I am not able to connect devices running Android 13 and above. This has become a major issue for me.

I also installed the official OS image (vim3-android-9-64bit-v231122.img) from the Khadas website and encountered the same problem: Android 13 and above devices could not connect, while Android 11 and below, as well as iPhones, connected without issues. This problem persists across all three of my Kvim3 boards.

Can you help me understand why this is happening?

I downloaded ready made image as mentioned above from above page

My AOSP 9 Build version

Do you mean that you can’t connect to VIM3’s Bluetooth with Android 13.0 mobile phones?

Is the antenna connected?、

yes, for android 13 and 14 devices I tried, bluetooth is not connecting

Until today, we hadn’t connected the antenna to the VIM3 board. After following your suggestion and connecting the antenna, there has been no improvement in performance. The VIM3 still fails to connect to Android 13 and above devices, although it connects fine with Android 10 and iPhone devices. I recorded a short video demonstrating the Bluetooth connection attempt, but there’s no option to upload the video here.

I use Xiaomi and Huawei’s Android 13.0 mobile phones that can be connected to VIM3 Bluetooth. I do n’t know what brand of mobile phones you are. You can pair your phone on VIM3 at the same time and pair VIM3 on your phone. Stablize

for test I have used

  1. Samsung Galaxy S9+(android 10) - connecting
  2. Samsung F34 (anroid 14) - not connecting
  3. Google pixel 4 (android 13) - not connecting
  4. Motog (android 14) - not connecting
  5. oneplus (android 14) - not connecting
  6. RedMi note9 (android 12)- not connecting…

for all these devices they are visible in scanning, pairing is happening but at the time of connection, it is not happening. Same kind of behaviour for all three boards with custom images and as well as ready made OS Image(from Khadas website).

I will share testing video and logs If you require from my side…Except samsung galaxy s9, I doesn’t have any android mobile running with android 10