Armbian installation with 4.18 kernel in eMMC with switch to u-boot-2018. To install u-boot-2018 on the eMMC. Follow the link to download two files.
Run from external Armbian media (version >= 20180806), create a full backup of the eMMC. Run to “root” user “dd if=u-boot-2018-linux.img of=/dev/mmcblk1”. Restart VIM. The system should start using the new u-boot-2018. To install in eMMC Armbian , execute the user root script “” and then run the installation script “” After these steps, u-boot-2018 will be installed on the eMMC. Please note that the new u-boot-2018 can run only new versions of Armbian LE with 4.18 kernel from external media. These images have additional scripts to work with u-boot-2018. To run other systems, you need to add the necessary files to work with u-boot-2018.