Android google play update

Does anyone have any problems after Google Play update in android 201112 version?

Chrome freezes after updating. I have tried many times.

Secondly, would you suggest an app to turn off the device? I want to close without pressing the button?

@fkaraokur I will check if such problem on my side, I am still using 200624 as it was stable enough for regular usage…

regd. power button, no app has the ability to turn off the system as that is handled by system interrupts…
there could be apps that could do something like that, I am not aware of such apps

If your paranoid about breaking the buttons, do not worry, the buttons are very durable, and using soft clicks can help the life of the switch, they are rated 30,000+ key strokes,

you could alternatively just short the xpwr pads at the back of the board, behind the wifi chip,
just a small paperclip will do fine,


Do you mean you want a software power button? If so, I use Power Toggles widget to give me some easy to access buttons for various tasks, like power, WiFi on/off, screen brightness, etc.
Though I have not tried it on this specific firmware, easy enough to try it out.

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that was exactly what I wanted. Thanks. Have a great reboot and shutt down. No more bringing the button to turn it off. Only android 201112 rom is problematic.

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It is a decent app, though not sure it has been updated for some time. Let’s hope it keeps working. :slightly_smiling_face: