Android Boot Logo on MIPI-DSI failed to change

Which Khadas SBC do you use?


Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Android 9 Pie

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Khadas official images (vim3-android-9-64bit-v230408.img) & self built images

Please describe your issue below:

Android boot logo failed to change on the MIPI-DSI LCD.
But it changed on an HDMI display successfully.
Do they operate separately like that?

I followed instructions from the link below.

I tried 2 methods all with the same results.

  1. “Burn the logo.img Separately” with the official vim3-android-9-64bit-v230408.img.
  2. “Update the logo by upgrading whole firmware” with a self-built update.img.

Post a console log of your issue below:

This is the log on U-boot mode.

kvim3#usb_update logo logo.img
usb_start_count 0
(Re)start USB…
USB0: USB3.0 XHCI init start
Register 3000140 NbrPorts 2
Starting the controller
scanning bus 0 for devices… 3 USB Device(s) found
scanning usb for storage devices… init_part() 282: PART_TYPE_DOS
1 Storage Device(s) found
[fat]Filesize is 0xfd400B[0M]
[MSG]flash LOGIC partCap 0x800000B
[MSG]Down(store) part(logo) sz(0xfd400) fmt(normal)
[MSG]totalSlotNum = 0, nextWriteBackSlot 1
[fat]Filesize is 0xfd400B[0M]
[MSG]Burn Start…
[fat]0x:leftSz 400 < BPS 800, gotSz d400
[MSG]Burn complete
BURN logo.img to part logo OK!
=====>Burn part logo in fmt normal OK<======

kvim3#run init_display
reboot_mode:::: cold_boot
lcd: error: outputmode[1080p60hz] is not support
do_hpd_detect: hdmimode=1080p60hz
do_hpd_detect: colorattribute=444,8bit
Saving Environment to aml-storage…
mmc env offset: 0x4d400000
Writing to MMC(1)… done
no sink, fallback to 720p60hz[4]
hdr mode is 0
dv mode is ver:0 len: 0
hdr10+ mode is 0
read hdmichecksum 0x00000000, colorattribute 444,8bit
read hdmimode 1080p60hz, colorspace , colordepth
do_get_parse_edid: autoMode = false, manualMode=16
isYuv4kSink: false, maxTMDSRate=150
do_get_parse_edid: non-yuv4k sink: inColorSpace: HDMI_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB
do_get_parse_edid: default inColorDepth: HDMI_COLOR_DEPTH_24B
TV has changed, initial mode is: 576cvbs attr: 444,8bit crc is :0x88000000
osd: hpd_state=0
hdmitx: outputmode[panel] is invalid
vpp: vpp_matrix_update: 0
vpp: g12a/b post2(bit12) matrix: YUV limit → RGB …
lcd: already enabled
[OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x7f800000
[OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x7f800000
[CANVAS]addr=0x7f800000 width=2176, height=3840
[OSD]osd_hw.free_dst_data: 0,1079,0,1919
vpp: hdr_policy = 1
vpp: Rx hdr_info.hdr_sup_eotf_smpte_st_2084 = 0

Hello, is the MIPI-DSI you are using TS050? If yes, then you need to replace the




in the


directory with the logo picture you made. It is best to modify it to the picture you need according to our original one. Note There are two that need to be rotated

Yes it’s TS050.
Now, boot logos are changed successfully on both displays.
