Android 13 ota update

I noticed has the option for ota, is this working? If so do you have any instructions? If not how can i help?


What is your specific demand environment like? The main difficulty of OTA upgrade is building OTA servers. Perhaps you can rent cloud storage servers or build your own OTA servers. Then the device downloads from the OTA server to proceed with the upgrade.

I only have a few devices so will host the updates my self.

Steps i understand:
I just build the ota update.
Host ots update on my server.

Steps i do not understand:
How can i make my devices point to my server?
Will the ota update remove all the users data on the device?

will not

This is a big project. In the next version of the firmware release, I will set up an OTA server and add OTA upgrade functionality. I will provide you with a document for explanation, and then you can modify and build the OTA server according to the instructions.

Thanks ill wait for the next version