Android 13 GPIO/Edge2 IO board

I need to use the GPIO pins on the IO board, i have managed to get the GPIO folders to generate using the export commands but i cant change the value(they stay hi), Im testing the GPIO pins and i get nothing from them.

Do i need to enable all this in a custom android build? Anyway you could ship the images with everythign enabled? Or am i missign something?

Im tryign to use GPIO 111/112 to drive some LED’s.

Hello @Blah_Blah

@goenjoy can help you

Which GPIO port is it?

Im going by the table on Edge2 IO

| — | — | — | — | — |

If these wont work out of the box can you point me to what pins i can use?


--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588s-khadas-edge2.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588s-khadas-edge2.dts
 &spi1 {
-       status = "okay";
+       status = "disabled";
        pinctrl-names = "default";
        pinctrl-0 = <&spi1m1_cs0 &spi1m1_pins>;
        spidev@1 {
                compatible = "rockchip,spidev";
                reg = <1>;
                spi-max-frequency = <100000000>;
-               status = "okay";
+               status = "disabled";

If i understand i make these changes to this file, then once i can build Android13 i can use these pins to drive my led’s?

If i understand i make these changes to this file, then once i can build Android13 i can use these pins to drive my led’s? ===》yes @Blah_Blah

Android 13 is stuck in at the boot aniamtion but i have tested this changed with adb shell and its working well, thanks for the help.