Android 13 - Device crashes continuously

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Which version of system do you use? Please provide the version of the system here:


Please describe your issue below:

Some time ago I bought an Edge2 ARM PC PRO version but due to health and work problems I never had time to configure and use it.
Now I have started to configure the device and install all my apps.

However, I have a serious problem with the stability of the device.
The “edge2-android-13-v240611” rom is installed on my Edge 2.

The problem is that the device often and several times during the day crashes, suddenly the Google loading animation that normally appears when the device starts up appears. It remains in this state until I reboot by switching the power off and on again.

The problem occurs with whatever app I am using, there is no particular app that creates the problem. It also happens when browsing through the settings.

I tried replacing the power supply with an original 30W Khadas power supply but the problem remains.

The device is practically unusable as it is. I’d like to avoid trying a factory reset because I’ve wasted a lot of time setting up the device and installing and configuring all my apps and maybe realising that the problem remains…

I ask for your help in solving this problem.

But above all… is it a hardware problem? Because if it is, I would replace it under warranty as it’s not cheap…


Hi @baciok
(1) How did you install edge2-android-13-v240611 using oowow or USB Flash Tool?
You can use USB Flash Tool to reburn and check the situation.

(2) Is Edge2 connected to any other external devices due to the issue of crashes?
(3) Could you please provide us with some videos to review the issue?
(4)It also happens when browsing through the settings. ===> Can you help me capture the logs. adb logcat > log.txt.

(1) I installed Android 13 via Oowow the first time I started Edge2.
If I use USB Flash Tool to perform the reburn, will I lose all my data, settings and apps?.

(2) In the USB 2.0 port of the Edge2 I put the receiver of my airmouse.

(3) I cannot make a video as the crashes are unpredictable and do not follow a precise pattern. While I’m using the device or watching a YouTube video, suddenly Edge2 crashes and the boot animation with the colourful and animated ‘GOOGLE’ appears.
The device remains in this condition until I unplug the power supply.

(4) Unfortunately, I am not able to do what you ask.
Could you explain how to do it? Thank you

We want to have a clearer understanding of the methods for reproducing the problem and confirming it.
(1) Capturing logs is beneficial for analyzing problems.
(2) Confirm if it was caused by external devices, as this issue did not occur in our office.
(3) If you can refresh the system or provide us with some instructional videos. This will be more helpful for us to analyze the problem.

These days I will flash the Android 14 version (edge2-android-14-v241101) via OOWOW. I hope to solve this serious problem .

I will let you know
