Aml_npu_demo_binaries and

I’m trying to run detect_demo_fb_mipi in aml_npu_demo_binaries but I cannot find

./detect_demo_fb_mipi: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Which image you used? Please upgrade your system to latest.

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I’m on the VIM3_Ubuntu-server-focal_Linux-4.9_arm64_EMMC_V0.9-20200530.

Your advice works!


Not working for me:-(

I have told you that if you install Openhabian will broken the system and we will fix this issue in next release. Why can’t you DO NOT install Openhabian to test NPU demo ?

I dont understand the answer with “Openhabian”.
I used a clean 4.9_arm64_SD-USB_V20191231 Image and ran the commands to upgrade the system.

Have the same issue.

“Openhabian” is probably inside info from another thread they were on.

Back to this topic, I’m getting the same error with Ubuntu-server-focal_Linux-5.7-rc7_arm64_SD-USB_V0.9-20200530 (“Linux Khadas 5.7.0-rc7 #0.9 SMP”). Did sudo apt full-upgrade and sudo do-fenix-full-upgrade (got an error E: Unable to locate package fenix-updater-package-focal--mainline).

After the above, still getting “./detect_demo_xfb: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”. What package is missing?

@jdrew @adzio Please use these images.



Then upgrade to latest.

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Works for me on VIM3L with the corresponding 4.9 image, thanks

I tried yet another fresh install with your recommendation

Fresh Server:

If I then do
passwd khadas
apt update && apt full-upgrade && sudo do-fenix-full-upgrade

I THEN get a bootloop due to WATCHDOG

I’m therefore require to disable watchdog

systemctl disable watchdog

So once all the SERVER system is fully upgraded

I do mkdir npu and git pull the aml

Then I change to folder and still get
~/npu_demo/aml_npu_demo_binaries/inceptionv3/VIM3# ./
./inceptionv3: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So it looks like only your desktop image is good.

I did a fresh installation and test again with

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Khadas ttyS0

Khadas login: khadas

Welcome to Fenix 1.0.2 Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Linux 4.9.241  
 _  ___               _            __     _____ __  __ _____ 
| |/ / |__   __ _  __| | __ _ ___  \ \   / /_ _|  \/  |___ / 
| ' /| '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _` / __|  \ \ / / | || |\/| | |_ \ 
| . \| | | | (_| | (_| | (_| \__ \   \ V /  | || |  | |___) |
|_|\_\_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|___/    \_/  |___|_|  |_|____/ 

 * Website:
 * Documentation:
 * Forum:

Last login: Mon Mar 15 01:02:36 UTC 2021 from on pts/0
skhadas@Khadas:~$ systemctl status watchdog
● watchdog.service - watchdog daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/watchdog.service; disabled; vendor pre>
     Active: inactive (dead)

After upgrade, the watchdog is still disabled you don’t need to disabled it again.

Are you sure you use the V0.9-20200530 server image ?

Please show me the result of cat /etc/fenix-release after flash image V0.9-20200530.


Is the only fix still to downgrade to the 4.9 kernel version of Ubuntu 20.04?

Any news on this? I am having the same

./detect_demo_x11: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

when trying to run the demo on the 5.16 kernel

@arthurgassner Mainline kernel unsupport ge2d. If you want to use this, please use 4.9 kernel image.

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Thank you for the answer :slight_smile:

Is there any way to run an object detector on the 5.16 though?

@arthurgassner You can use the demo of the master branch, this branch is pure software and can be run on the mainline