After the EC firmware update, the mind stopped working. I held down the power button for a forced shutdown and tried to turn it back on, but nothing happens. The LED light does not turn on either. What should I do?
Hello @K_M11
Could you try to long press the POWER button for more then 35S and then unplug/replug the power cable and press the POWER button to check whether Mind can bootup?
BTW, could you tell us how you upgrade the EC firmware? Do you upgrade via the Mind App or manually on the command line? Do you get any errors while upgrade the EC firmware? Do you have any other unexpected operation during the upgrading?
I tried a 35-second BIOS reset, but there was no response. The power doesn’t turn on either, and the LEDs don’t respond. I updated the EC through the Mind app.
Hello @K_M11
Sorry for the issues, our after-sales team will contact you later.
@numbqq 您好,我的mind2出现了同样的问题,更新完EC后电源键不亮,电脑没有反应,请问该怎么办
Hello @vissun1900
了解下你的机器是Mind 2吗?你是如何更新EC的 ?
@numbqq 您好,我的机器是mind2,是按照说明用U盘更新的,更新完自动关机且电源灯快速闪烁,然后拔掉电源再上电时,电源灯就不亮了
@hemjoe Khadas CN Download用的这个,我又看了一下,是mind的,下载时没注意,那有办法补救么
@hemjoe 您好,我已经用站内消息给您发送了相关信息