"adb push" command ERROR during VIM3 Android P, how to fix it?

Could you help to check and help to find a way to fix this? thanks!

Which Khadas SBC do you use?

Vim3 Android Pie V211220

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Android Pie

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Official image V211220

Please describe your issue below:

When I want to push files into the system, always show error(But I use the same pc connected to
other Android Devices, adb push is ok):
adb push D:\3.jpg /sdcard/Music/
adb: error: 65544-byte write failed: Invalid argument

I just verified that I didn’t find the problem you said. Maybe you can change the latest ADB tool.

Hi @goenjoy
Thanks for your kindly reply.
But I have checked my ADB platform-tools, and it is the latest version r33.0.3. Still not work on VIM3(but is ok for other android devices)…

C:\Users>adb version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 33.0.3-8952118
Installed as C:\platform-tools\adb.exe

Could you help to share the platform-tools you are using here, so I can try on my VIM3 Android P V211220(as it is a opensource tool)?
Many thanks!

@Alundra0220 dl.khadas.com - Index of /products/vim3/tool/