What is normal temp for Khadas Vim?

My Khadas vim temp is 75 Degree Celsius. Is it normal? Do you guys use heatsink or fans? What is your normal operating temps?

My khadas playback is bad. video playback stops for few minutes before it can continue. sometimes few seconds. its so annoying, my khadas is useless.

Hi, Syaiful:

How you get the temp? read from software or measure actually?

The temp deponds up the ambient temp and working status, i.e. if you playing 4K video, the temp might head up to 75 degee.

You were playing local videos or online/video stream? and which network did you use? Ethernet or Wi-Fi?

Kindly update us with more details :wink:


I get the temps from Kodi. I play online video and streams. I use ethernet. I didnt play large file size yet(less than 2gb).

I have successfully use libreelec and so far the experience is super smooth.

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Hi Syaiful

If I read temp from /sys/, and run an idle (gentoo) linux, temperature may reach 60.
I placed a fan and when it turns, temperature does not go above 40 (when idle).
But, even if I build software on the box with 7 cores running 100% and CPU load 7%,
temperature does never go above 60.
So I think placing a fan for CPU intensive activities is a decent alternative.