Volumio for Khadas

Hi @gkkpch .
You can add in the plugin for the remote control (lirc), settings for remote control from VIM ?
I installed this plugin and when you press the buttons on the remote control console receives scancode, but not settings remote control.

Yes, terminal wrote “wrong custom code”

Hi Oleg,

Thanks for your work.

I have tried Volumio-0.5-2018-04-07-aml9xxxarmv7.img.zip on VIM2, it works well, and Tone Board is also supported, but I found that I can’t adjust the volume, do you have this issue?

Hi, Nick.
Yes, I, too sometimes mean such behavior, but sometimes restart Volumio adjustment of is beginning to work. By the way, I have collected a new version, it includes support for i2s.


Is this a new Board for VIM ? And what modules do you connect or does it work without loading modules ?

Hi Oleg,

Please refer to this

No other modules needed with image Volumio-0.5-2018-04-07-aml9xxxarmv7.img.zip.

it i’m is now clear that the standard USB ports on the 40 pin connector are used.

Yes, you are right.:wink:

As for the custom code, probably this is the one for the Odroid remote I did 2 years ago. This one needs to be replaced with the one for VIM.
But this is not a VIM/VIM2 specific build, is it? Or are we making one?

There is a plugin to work with remote controls.

It has settings for several options of control panels. I tried installing this plugin. Added to the plugin directory text files with settings for the Vim console (this is an edited copy of the files from Odroid with codes taken from the file for Libreelec).



Now you can select “Vim Remote” in the settings of the web interface. But when you try to use the console, the console has a display of codes that come from the remote, but the reaction in the system to them.
I think the reason is not the correct configuration files lircd.conf.

@Gouwa @numbqq @Terry can you provide a settings file for the lirc for the VIM console ?

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Скрипт на python3 для автоматического запуска с последнего трека и времени при выключении Volumio.
Понадобится установить pip3 и библиотеку request

Скрипт писался под Asus Tinker Gpio.
Позже поправлю под Khadas (если получится добратся из питона до gpio status - я так понимаю прейдется через proc ).
И так логика работы.
При включении считывается номер трека и его время при Выключении.
После пропадания 1 на Гпио включается пауза и записываются данные о треке в файл.
Если за время (пока чуть больше 100 сек - можно изменить легко) на Гпио появится 1 то продолжится воспроизведение, если не появится на Гпио 1 - то система выключится.

Сам скрипт.
В папке со скриптом создайте файл от своего юзера с именем track.number
С таким содержанием

Не пинайте если что за код он не такой красивый но работает.


All DEV things are welcome, but … MPD version 20.06 is a real problem! MPD 20.10 or higher is needed to be added in the standard image to avoid manual install it later on.

Volumio sounds much better using pure UAC2 and this is achievable only by disabling (not using) on board VIM audio (because of ALSA). The same is for I2S.

Please don’t forget that Volumio is … THE OPEN AUDIOPHILE MUSIC PLAYER, and not just a music player!

Я могу написать ето по русски тоже, но я не уверен в правильности написания :slight_smile:

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On this subject, there was already a response from the developers that this version is still being tested and is not yet recommended for use in standard deliveries.

Do not use the dtb file - this automatically disables the built-in sound systems.
If necessary, I can add a dtb file option with the audio portion disabled.

I use it exactly this way for my self with MPD upgraded to 30.18 :slight_smile:
But for testing purposes I use your standard image untouched and with all drivers.

Файл в папке на Dropbox обновлен.
Сделал скрипт для Khadas Vim2.
Там же есть инструкция по установке доп пакетов и автозапуска.
С автозапуском пришлось повозится.

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По какому пину работает?

gpio176 (PIN37 GPIOH5)
Все описано в readme
Если на пине 1 (3.3 volt) то работает если убрать то пауза и таймер.
Я через оптрон в машине сделал.
Таймер выключения около 60 сек ( но легко можно поменять на то что нужно)

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Hi, balbes150

Here is the khadas IR remote configuration. :grinning:

# Khadas's IR Remote Configuration
# The default button configuration for Khadas's stock remote controller.

begin remote

  name          lircd.conf
  bits              16
  flags         SPACE_ENC|CONST_LENGTH
  eps               30
  aeps              100

  header            8964 4507
  one               544  1692
  zero              544   561
  ptrail            544
  pre_data_bits     16
  pre_data          0xFF00
#  gap               107872
  toggle_bit_mask   0x0

 begin codes

  KEY_LEFT              0x000E
  KEY_RIGHT             0x001A
  KEY_UP                0x0003
  KEY_DOWN              0x0002
  KEY_OK                0x0007
  KEY_HOME              0x0048
  KEY_BACK              0x0001
  KEY_MENU              0x0013
  KEY_VOLUMEDOWN        0x0058
  KEY_VOLUMEUP          0x001A
  KEY_POWER             0x0048

 end codes

end remote

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Updated the images on the official website of Volumio. Those who wish can test them.



I tried to add a settings file for the remote control Khadas, but it does not work yet. You may need to change something else in the General settings.