Khadas VIM2 Preview

nice setup ! I also would like to install mine later in a car. but not for playing media, what os and which app do you use in there?

I use android M6, I built it by yourself.
Navigation programs:
-yandex navigator

HD music player - Neutron

You can see it this Car Installation


Following this with great excitement.

Seeing how July (previous expected launch date) has come and gone; when is the next ETA?

Also, having read the threads about thermal, wifi and general testing - are there any new updates to share? Will there for instance be heatsink options available for purchase at launch?

Finally, being someone that prefers more “discrete” cases; will there be board blueprints so one can design their own – or even better – will there be more casing options available?

Try OsmAnd+ - I find it the best ever navigation software. And it’s open-source :wink:

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are you porting Tianocore (edk2)? what’s the progress?)

I am working on my own UEFI implementation :smiley: for mips and arm. So I kind of “did”. If you have some interest, please PM.)

VIM2 on SMT factory :smile:

And will launch soon on


Now that is a cluster. :rofl:

I see VIM2 firmwares have been posted on Khadas Docs.:+1:

When device tree and WiFi driver is posted, I can make LE work for the VIM2. :wink:


@Gouwa Do you have an ETA for publishing Vim2 sources on GitHub?

We will publish VIM2 source on GitHub in next week.


Thank you @Terry. This is good to know before someone asks when is LE going to work on VIM2. :wink:

Where do you find the heatsink? How do you fix it to the board? Is a heatsink necessary or optional for “normal” usage (youtube spotify netflix…)?

How do you find how to plug that extension card to the VIM?

My heatsink has glue.

“heatsink necessary or optional for “normal” usage” - it can be tested only empirically. I will use the VIM in my car where it can be very hot.
extension - see to this

Are sources available?

I’m very much looking forward to building Android Nougat for VIM2 which has arrived to me yesterday :smiley:


yes sources are available on github.


So it is the same android_manifest just some different command to build vim2 instead of vim?

Yes, It is the same android_manifest.

For VIM2:

# Build u-boot
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu kvim2_defconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu
# Build Android
$ source build/
$ lunch  kvim2-userdebug-64
$ make -jN otapackage

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I wrote a simple bash script with introduction and steps. You can see it at khadas git as pull pull request or at my

Hi @tasinofan, are you using gentoo on VIM2? Just for desktop or also for media centre? Did you have any problems with drivers?


I ordered 2 VIM2 and will soon let you know. I initially do not plan to use it as gentoo media center.
One could use LE or Android on VIM2 for that. I rather plan to use gentoo with vanilla linux to build simple dedicated network appliances like a router or an access point of a hotspot. Later, if open source graphical performance permits, I will perhaps build gentoo media center from source.
I also want to try the DVB board (I guess for now Android and maybe LE), eventually also gentoo,

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