Khadas VIM2 Preview

The support on Ubuntu Linux OS like UART / I2C / ADC / GPIO library modules are important. Even the UART, it is just enabled by default on the latest firmware release. We are still awaiting the I2C usage on the Khadas. Because most of our IoT applications were migrated from raspberry pi, those interfaces support are important to us.

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please take this into account, your future vimx success depends on how easy it is for your customer to rebuild a part or all of its software and how good is your support on that.
sorry to say it, s912 seems not a better choice than s905x on the criteria before.

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I was also hoping for more positive news regarding VIM2 and the SoC GPU and source code or driver suport, but it’s pretty clear that they are not interested as it’s not in their business interests to build in long term support, obviously they prefer we buy new chips every couple of years, so essentially for any OTT box users, VIM2 is not a long term option, unless updating the system with latest security measures is not important to the user. Interesting you have chosen to focus on the micro server sector rather than those using VIM for KODI/NetFlix or similar.

Out of interest, and this question is to the community as much as the VIM team, which, if any, of the current SoC manufacturers do support long term Linux driver support? My guess is it is worse than for the PC sector where nVidia/AMD do provide updates but closed source, and Intel who provide ootb support (usually) but lower spec onboard GPU…

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Hi Gouwa,

It will be interesting to have VIM2 base support upstream early, can we have some samples ?
Any new S912 board is interesting, even without GPU support, since these SoCs can make excellent headless server platforms, and mainline Linux is almost ready for this use-case.


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Hi, Neil:
Yes, free samples for active developers and users will be ready to apply soon.

New revision is ready now, will keep you in touch when the free samples are ready.


Agree, that’s why VIM2 feature with WOL and SPI Flash. :slight_smile:

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@Gouwa : @narmstrong definitely deserves one early bird sample board so that he can begin to do his magic on it as soon as possible


Looking nice, good specs.
Looking forward to make some custom android rom like i did to VIM1.


Looking forward to this launching… When can we start pre-ordering and what is the price point for the Vim2 Pro and Max?

I Hope it’s soon as I want to stick with Khadas but there are a lot of s912 devices out there at a really good price point that are in stock here in the UK

for what would you use a vim2 that the vim1 does not do yet ?
beware of the quality of the support and the availability of firmware/doc/sources updates to stick to linux and android evolution over the time and to fix bugs

fully aware of the pitfalls when it comes to buying device of this ilk… have a lot of experience with various brands here over the years. As for support I rely on the community we have on the likes of Freaktab, as well as on here, to help most of the time. And lets be honest it the small and devoted community that push devices like this further and keep us up to date, not necessarily the developers of the boards.

Amlogic are a work progress just like other brands of SoC

Baylibre do work

Exact, please keep an eye on the Wiki for updates:

Can I get an engineering sample for carPC stress testing?

I tested the Khadas VIM1. VIM work without errors.I drove 1,000 km in 40 degree heat. VIM was no fan, only heatsink. The CPU temperature 69 degrees, when watching a video through YouTube up to 81 degrees maximum. The internal chassis temperature is 43 degrees. Time of continuous work more than 15 hours. The test was repeated 4 times - it is 4200 km (4 days). The VIM1 works perfectly!

Temp on case

CPU temp

My case :slight_smile:

Working time

My case again

Vim with heatsink, RTS battery and gps/glonass reciver


nice setup ! I also would like to install mine later in a car. but not for playing media, what os and which app do you use in there?

I use android M6, I built it by yourself.
Navigation programs:
-yandex navigator

HD music player - Neutron

You can see it this Car Installation


Following this with great excitement.

Seeing how July (previous expected launch date) has come and gone; when is the next ETA?

Also, having read the threads about thermal, wifi and general testing - are there any new updates to share? Will there for instance be heatsink options available for purchase at launch?

Finally, being someone that prefers more “discrete” cases; will there be board blueprints so one can design their own – or even better – will there be more casing options available?

Try OsmAnd+ - I find it the best ever navigation software. And it’s open-source :wink:

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are you porting Tianocore (edk2)? what’s the progress?)

I am working on my own UEFI implementation :smiley: for mips and arm. So I kind of “did”. If you have some interest, please PM.)

VIM2 on SMT factory :smile:

And will launch soon on