VIMs: RNDIS Gadget

The motivation for adding an network gadget for me is to have an improved RDP experience in addition to other things.

Here are the steps to add a Windows 10 compatible network gadget

Step 1 : Upgrade packages. this will pull in the otg-device overlay
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y

Step 2 : Enable OTG device mode
$ sudo nano /boot/env.txt

append otg-device if it is not already to overlays=, example
overlays=uart3 pwm_f i2c3 otg-device

CTRL+s and CTRL+x to save and exit

Step 3 : Reboot
$ sync && sudo reboot

Step 4 : Add RNDIS gadget setup script.
$ sudo nano /usr/local/bin/rndis-gadget
Copy and paste the following “/usr/local/bin/rndis-gadget”. CTRL+s and CTRL+x to save and exit.

# Create Windows 10 compatible RNDIS USB Gadget

. /etc/fenix-release

if [ -d $GADGET ]; then
echo “Exiting… RNDIS Gadget exists”
exit 0

SERIAL="$(grep Serial /proc/cpuinfo | grep -o -P ‘.{0,12}$’)"
MAC="$(echo ${SERIAL} | sed ‘s/(\w\w)/:\1/g’ | cut -b 2-)"
MAC_HOST=“12$(echo ${MAC} | cut -b 3-)”
MAC_DEV=“02$(echo ${MAC} | cut -b 3-)”
UDC="$(ls /sys/class/udc/ | awk ‘{print $1}’)"

mkdir $GADGET

echo “0x1d6b” > $GADGET/idVendor # Linux Foundation
echo “0x0104” > $GADGET/idProduct
echo “0x0100” > $GADGET/bcdDevice
echo “0x0200” > $GADGET/bcdUSB

echo “0xEF” > $GADGET/bDeviceClass
echo “0x04” > $GADGET/bDeviceSubClass
echo “0x01” > $GADGET/bDeviceProtocol

# Set Strings
mkdir $GADGET/strings/0x409
echo $SERIAL > $GADGET/strings/0x409/serialnumber
echo “Khadas” > $GADGET/strings/0x409/manufacturer
echo $BOARD > $GADGET/strings/0x409/product

# Create Config
mkdir $GADGET/configs/c.1
mkdir $GADGET/configs/c.1/strings/0x409
echo “RNDIS Gadget” > $GADGET/configs/c.1/strings/0x409/configuration
echo “500” > $GADGET/configs/c.1/MaxPower
echo “0x80” > $GADGET/configs/c.1/bmAttributes # USB_OTG_SRP | USB_OTG_HNP

# Create RNDIS function
mkdir $F_RNDIS
echo $MAC_HOST > $F_RNDIS/host_addr
echo $MAC_DEV > $F_RNDIS/dev_addr

# OS Descriptors
echo “1” > $GADGET/os_desc/use
echo “0xbc” > $GADGET/os_desc/b_vendor_code
echo “MSFT100” > $GADGET/os_desc/qw_sign
mkdir -p $F_RNDIS/os_desc/interface.rndis
echo “RNDIS” > $F_RNDIS/os_desc/interface.rndis/compatible_id
echo “5162001” > $F_RNDIS/os_desc/interface.rndis/sub_compatible_id

# Bind function to configuration
ln -s $F_RNDIS $GADGET/configs/c.1/
ln -s $GADGET/configs/c.1/ $GADGET/os_desc

# Enable the Gadget

echo “Done creating RNDIS USB Gadget…$(cat $F_RNDIS/ifname)”
exit 0

Step 5 : Make ‘rndis-gadget’ executable
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rndis-gadget

Step 6 : Add systemd service file
$ sudo systemctl edit --force rndis-gadget.service --full
Copy and paste the following into the editor. CTRL+s and CTRL+x to save and exit.

Description=RNDIS over USB



Step 7 : Test 'RNDIS over USB’
$ sudo systemctl start rndis-gadget.service
$ ip a to confirm usb0 shows up.

On your PC, check if the VIM is listed as “Remote NDIS Compatible Device” under the Device Manager->Network adapters

Step 8 : Enable ‘RNDIS over USB’ on boot
$ sudo systemctl enable rndis-gadget.service

The final step is to decide who is going to provide the IP address to both the VIM and the PC it is connected.

Pick one of the following three options

Option 1. Static IP for both VIM and PC (Easy)
$ echo $'# RNDIS Gadget\nallow-hotplug usb0\niface usb0 inet static\naddress\nnetmask\ngateway' | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces.d/interface.rndis
On your Linux/Mac/Windows PC setup the network interface to static IP with following
Option 2. PC providing the IP to VIM
$ echo $'# RNDIS Gadget\nallow-hotplug usb0\niface usb0 inet dhcp' | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces.d/interface.rndis
Windows : Use “Internet Connection Sharing”
Linux Network Manager : Set the interface “Shared Connection” feature
Option 3. VIM providing the IP to PC (Instructions not complete)
Add interface usb0 to NetworkManager managed devices
$ sudo sed -i '/unmanaged-devices/{/,except:interface-name:usb0/! s/$/,except:interface-name:usb0/}'
Create NetworkManager connection
$ sudo nmcli connection add type ethernet ifname usb0 ipv4.method shared ipv6.method ignore con-name local-rndis

Reboot for the changes to take effect.


@shyAm I tried it out, but there seems to be a syntax error in the script…

fixed it with:

MAC="$(echo ${SERIAL} | sed s/\(\w\w\)/:\1/g | cut -b 2-)"

script works, but it doesn’t work…

I think amlogic PHY has to be enabled for it to work…

I have a feeling the script text is not getting copied properly from the post.

Here is the script at pastebin.
VIMs : RNDIS Gadget

guess it was just that one " \ " symbol being stubborn…
btw, have you tested this, and did it work for you ?

It has been tested on both VIM3 and VIM3L. Are you still having trouble?

yes, it seems to not show up on ip a
and gives that “I/O error” with the systemctl status

Here is the my results

I’ll try again once more later today,
there is a clear difference with the systemctl status, where it has executed successfully for you but I had I/O errors…

Hello @shyAm @Electr1

I have added USB ADB & RNDIS support to Fenix.
You can update the code.


  • Enable otg-device

  • Enable usb gadget service

$ sudo systemctl start usb-gadget-khadas.service 
$ sudo systemctl enable usb-gadget-khadas.service 

@numbqq I will try it out today, did it work successfully ?
and get recognized on windows computer ?

I checked on my Ubuntu 20.04 host and works well. I don’t have windows PC so I can’t check.

ok will check and get back to that soon…

Excellent - thanks! Any chance of adding the same for the edge boards? Have been trying but failing to get that working!

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edge kernel + dts for usb gadget usage not properly configured at this moment


I know - was trying to get the kernel working but haven’t been able to. Is it something that can be looked at please?

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@numbqq I tested with fenix ubuntu 20.04 mainline. Found some error messages