VIM4 build.prop editor apk Save error

@zet34 You need to use the network ADB command to modify it. Pull the corresponding file through the ADB command, modify the file, push it in through the ADB command, and finally restart the machine to take effect. The network ADB command demo is as follows:

C:\Users\25348>adb connect
connected to

C:\Users\25348>adb root

C:\Users\25348>adb connect
connected to

C:\Users\25348>adb remount
Using overlayfs for /system
Using overlayfs for /system_ext
Using overlayfs for /vendor
Using overlayfs for /product
Using overlayfs for /odm
Now reboot your device for settings to take effect
remount succeeded

C:\Users\25348>adb pull vendor/build.prop .
vendor/build.prop: 1 file pulled. 0.4 MB/s (4689 bytes in 0.010s)

C:\Users\25348>adb push C:\Users\25348\build.prop vendor/build.prop
C:\Users\25348\build.prop: 1 file pushed. 0.4 MB/s (4689 bytes in 0.011s)

C:\Users\25348>adb shell sync

C:\Users\25348>adb reboot
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