VIM4-Android-11-64bit-V241211 Rom Release

Thanks. The latest official build seems to work.

A small question here - in Vim3(s) on Android 9 - Android Open Accessory protocol seems to work… It even starts up Android Auto via Android HU emulator… (but fails later) But it seems is broken on Android 11… logs show that VIM4 supports AOAv2 ask VIM to switch to accessory mode but nothing actually happens…
Any chance to make it work back again ? (easy to reproduce via android auto emulator in Android Studio tools)

@OldNavi Can you create a new post? And describe the problem more clearly. And provide steps and methods for replication.

VIM 4 TS050
VIM4-Android-11-64bit-V230621 Rom Release

  1. Logo flickering when booting(Only on TS0505 display)

  2. flickering of the image until you raise the VBO brightness (only on the TS0505 display)

  3. In the setup menu, the back button (at the top) does not work; there is an indication of pressing, but there is no reaction to pressing.
    In version vim4-android-11-64bit-v230428, the back button works.
    The back button in the bottom panel works.

  4. On the TS0505 display, the resolution (4k) is incorrectly determined when changed to 1080, visually nothing changes.
    Resolution 1080 50\60 Hz in the settings is not saved after reboot.

  5. The Settings/Display/Advansed/Display Size parameter is not saved when walking through the menu and can be freely reset to the default value.

Perhaps your screen is malfunctioning. You can disconnect the screen and let it sit for a night before testing.

The parameters such as mipi resolution cannot be changed. The corresponding setting inside is the HDMI display screen.

I am using the Khadas official images.
Only the v230621 image file is not working, the other versions are working fine, so I am using an older version. I am currently using the v23048 image file.

At first I thought so too, I replaced the display with a new one, but it didn’t help. I installed the firmware Version: vim4-android-11-64bit-v230428 and this defect disappeared. If you set VBO brightness to default, it looks like blurry text. I tested it on several different PCs and displays.

Yes, I am using the official firmware version
VIM4-Android-11-64bit-V230621 Rom Release but since there are some problems with the display, I had to install an older version of the firmware - vim4-android-11-64bit-v230428

yes, but Vim 3 defines it as 1080 and I have not observed any problems with resolution.

@antigua I have reproduced the issue you mentioned on the old version of TS050 and have resolved it. The next version will fix it.

Is it possible to fix this somehow in the next firmware? This effect is present in all firmware.

@antigua Sorry. Releasing a version of firmware requires a process and a certain amount of time. Do you compile the code yourself? If compiling the code, I can directly provide you with the patch code for modification first.

common$ git log -p
commit 1344a0b82b09049b9728b014857cfce17134ad6a (HEAD -> vim4)
Date:   Sat Oct 7 17:53:40 2023 +0800

    LCD: fix the issue of old TS050 screen flicker

diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/mesont7_an400-panel.dtsi b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/mesont7_an400-panel.dtsi
index 2b042658d015..154451e0da67 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/mesont7_an400-panel.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/mesont7_an400-panel.dtsi
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
                        model_name = "TS050"; /*old TS050*/
                        interface = "mipi";
                        basic_setting = <1080 1920 /*h_active, v_active*/
-                               1120 1933 /*h_period, v_period*/
+                               1140 1940 /*h_period, v_period*/
                                8 /*lcd_bits*/
                                64 118>; /*screen_widht, screen_height*/
-                       lcd_timing = <2 23 0 /*hs_width, hs_bp, hs_pol*/
-                               4 7 0>; /*vs_width, vs_bp, vs_pol*/
+                       lcd_timing = <6 30 0 /*hs_width, hs_bp, hs_pol*/
+                               6 10 0>; /*vs_width, vs_bp, vs_pol*/
                        clk_attr = <0 /*fr_adj_type(0=clk, 1=htotal, 2=vtotal)*/
                                0 /*clk_ss_level */
                                1 /*clk_auto_generate*/

My mistake, I didn’t say what to pay attention to. When navigating through menu items, other configured or selected parameters may be reset. In this video this is the display scale.

And during the transition there are attempts to rotate the screen.
If you disable the bottom and top panels, some of the problems with constant screen rotation disappear. But this does not apply to the menu.

But the problem you described is also present in the latest firmware.
If I manage to set up the build environment, your help will be useful.

@antigua The video link you sent cannot be opened. I’m not sure what the problem you’re talking about is. Also, if there are any issues, please create a new post to provide feedback. Each post corresponds to one question. Thanks!

I created a post, but this bug relates to this firmware.