VIM3 Dual Independent Display

@Terry is working on VIM3 to support the dual independent display feature over TS050 and HDMI, he already complete most of the work but there still have a few bugs to be resolved until we finally release the image.

And I just show the video here first:

Sorry for the delay :wink:

Good day!




You can share the work with me in private if you need help with testing.

Happy to help @Terry in testing his builts before public release.

Great work.

Is VIM3 dual independent display feature not yet released?
In the VIM3_Pie_V200103 version, The TS050 touch screen display the same as HDMI.
Do you have other settings or android application that supports dual display?

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Can anyone tell how to achieve this Dual Independent Display?

@gorangagrawal @jacketkim
You can refer at this post.

2,Download and Installation DualVideoScreen.apk
3,Copy an MP4 video to /sdcard/ directory, named 123. mp4
4,Open the DualVideoScreen application and display the video on the secondary screen. The main screen can operate other applications normally
5,Click on DualVideoScreen again to turn off the dual-screen display

Btw I want to achieve it on VIM3L where I will be using HTPC kit.

What I want to do is

Connect two displays where first display will be displaying video and another will be having a app which will control it.

App has been already developed by my team

Thank you for your support !!

I run DualVideoScreen.apk on Vim3 with TS050 + HDMI.
TS050 LCD seems to work as primary display. (Home screen displayed on TS050, Video played on HDMI)

But I want HDMI to act as primary display.
so, when I run DualVideoScreen.apk, can control screen on HDMI and play the video on the TS050.

Are there any hints in the application or system?

Hello! Now I can’t get the dual display to work on VIM3pro…:frowning: Superceleron v.5 firmware normal debug. We are waiting for a new firmware with this feature:smiley:

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Привет! На других прошивках как работает?:slightly_smiling_face:
И ещё ,я думаю тебе бы понравился этот вариант!

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Суперцелерон 3 версия не тянет. Другие не пробовал.:cowboy_hat_face:

Но Captain только для Edge вроде