VIM3 Boot logo change

Hello guys, I would like to kindly ask you if it is possible to change booting logo for VIM3. I assume, the process is somehow similar to VIM2, but I don’t know how to “boot into UBoot” to change the image. I assume the logo image is in the UBoot section, included in the eMMC ROM installation (I’m newbie, sorry if I don’t interpret things more clearly)

Thank you very much for any help. All the best, Tomas

What’s your system? Android or Ubuntu?
You also can change booting logo with adb command on Android.

# adb root
# adb remount
# adb push new_logo.img /storage/emulated/0/
# adb shell
# su
# cd /storage/emulated/0/
# dd if=new_boot.img  of=/dev/block/logo
# sync
# reboot

Dear @Terry, thank you very much for your reply. I really appreciate it!

I will try with Android eMMC. Is it the same with Ubuntu latest firmware?

Thank you very much. (Btw. Thank you for such an awesome board!)

All the best, Tomas

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If someone wants to change it from the Android source then follow the link mentioned below.

Link: Cange logo in VIM3 Android 9 SDK - #5 by Avyay