VIM1S-Android-11-V241212 Rom Release

I’m working on Android 11 without Google Play Store. I want to install Google Play Store.
"Files · r-64bit · goenjoy-hlm / google · GitLab "
How this site works

  1. 'PROJECT/device/khadas/kvim4/ ’ 또는 'PROJECT/device/khadas/kvim1s/ ’ 파일을 수정합니다
    <1> <1><1>Change property ‘BUILD_WITH_GAPS_CONFIG’ from false to true

  2. Download Google Repertory to the ‘Project/Vendor/amlogic/’ path
    <1> <1> <1> <1> cd PROJECT/벤더/amlogic/
    <2> <2> <2> <2> git clone goenjoy-hlm / google · GitLab -br-64bit

  3. Rebuild ROM
    I did it in order.
    But I couldn’t get the Google Play Store. Is this the right way?
    Could you tell me the method in detail?


Hello, you are using the VIM1S system, the above steps are correct, you’d better clean up the out directory before compiling