Uboot 怎么使用U盘更新内核啊

重新编译的uboot 更新到板子后启动就成这样了

bl2_stage_init 0x81
hw id: 0x0000 - pwm id 0x01
bl2_stage_init 0xc1
bl2_stage_init 0x02


TE: 192995

BL2 Built : 15:22:05, Aug 28 2019. g12b g1bf2b53 - luan.yuan@droid15-sz

Board ID = 8
Set A53 clk to 24M
Set A73 clk to 24M
Set clk81 to 24M
A53 clk: 1200 MHz
A73 clk: 1200 MHz
CLK81: 166.6M
smccc: 000339c0
eMMC boot @ 0
sw8 s
DDR driver_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_18 build time: Aug 28 2019 15:22:01
board id: 8
Load FIP HDR from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00004000, part: 0
fw parse done
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00060200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x0000c000, part: 0
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00038200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00004000, part: 0
PIEI prepare done
fastboot data load
emmc switch 1 ok
ddr saved addr:00016000
Load ddr parameter from eMMC, src: 0x02c00000, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00001000, part: 0
emmc switch 0 ok
fastboot data verify
verify result: 265
Cfg max: 4, cur: 1. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
LPDDR4 probe
ddr clk to 1608MHz
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x0003c200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x0000c000, part: 0

dmc_version 0001
Check phy result
INFO : End of CA training
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : Training has run successfully!
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of read enable training
INFO : End of fine write leveling
INFO : End of Write leveling coarse delay
INFO : Training has run successfully!
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of read dq deskew training
INFO : End of MPR read delay center optimization
INFO : End of write delay center optimization
INFO : End of read delay center optimization
INFO : End of max read latency training
INFO : Training has run successfully!
1D training succeed
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00048200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x0000c000, part: 0
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : Training has run successfully!

RxClkDly_Margin_A0==87 ps 9
TxDqDly_Margin_A0==97 ps 10
RxClkDly_Margin_A1==97 ps 10
TxDqDly_Margin_A1==97 ps 10

RxClkDly_Margin_A0==97 ps 10
TxDqDly_Margin_A0==97 ps 10
RxClkDly_Margin_A1==97 ps 10
TxDqDly_Margin_A1==106 ps 11


soc_vref_reg_value 0x 00000025 00000027 00000027 00000027 00000027 00000025 00000026 00000024 00000025 00000024 00000028 00000026 00000026 00000027 00000026 00000026 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000025 00000024 00000023 00000025 00000024 00000028 00000026 00000026 00000026 00000026 00000024 00000025 00000025 dram_vref_reg_value 0x 00000014
2D training succeed
aml_ddr_fw_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_18 build time: Aug 28 2019 13:54:19
auto size-- 65535DDR cs0 size: 2048MB
DDR cs1 size: 2048MB
DMC_DDR_CTRL: 00e00024DDR size: 3928MB
cs0 DataBus test pass
cs1 DataBus test pass
cs0 AddrBus test pass
cs1 AddrBus test pass

100bdlr_step_size ps== 409
result report
boot times 0Enable ddr reg access
emmc switch 3 ok
Authentication key not yet programmed
get rpmb counter error 0x00000007
emmc switch 0 ok
Load FIP HDR from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01700000, size: 0x00004000, part: 0
Load BL3X from eMMC, src: 0x00078200, des: 0x01768000, size: 0x000d0000, part: 0
0.0;M3 CHK:0;cm4_sp_mode 0
[Image: g12b_v1.1.3390-6ac5299 2019-09-26 14:10:05 luan.yuan@droid15-sz]
ring efuse init
chipver efuse init
29 0b 10 00 01 0b 11 00 00 07 37 37 34 54 33 50 
[0.018960 Inits done]
secure task start!
high task start!
low task start!
run into bl31
NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):4fc40b1
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 15:58:17, May 22 2019
NOTICE:  BL31: G12A normal boot!
NOTICE:  BL31: BL33 decompress pass
ERROR:   Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast

U-Boot 2015.01 (Aug 29 2022 - 23:18:28)

DRAM:  3.8 GiB
Relocation Offset is: d6e42000
spi_post_bind(spifc): req_seq = 0
register usb cfg[0][1] = 00000000d7f39218
aml_i2c_init_port init regs for 0
MCU version: 0x00 0x03
MCU version is to low! Doesn't support froce boot from SD card.
MMC:   aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x00000000d3e32a70
aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x00000000d3e34db0
SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, status=0x3ff2800
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, status=0x3ff2800
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x1, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000
aml_sd_retry_refix[983]:delay = 0x0,gadjust =0x2000
[mmc_startup] mmc refix success
init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML
[mmc_init] mmc init success
start dts,buffer=00000000d3e37620,dt_addr=00000000d3e37620
get_partition_from_dts() 91: ret 0
parts: 17
00:      logo   0000000000800000 1
01:  recovery   0000000001800000 1
02:      misc   0000000000800000 1
03:      dtbo   0000000000800000 1
04:  cri_data   0000000000800000 2
05:     param   0000000001000000 2
06:      boot   0000000001000000 1
set has_boot_slot = 0
07:       rsv   0000000001000000 1
08:  metadata   0000000001000000 1
09:    vbmeta   0000000000200000 1
10:       tee   0000000002000000 1
11:    vendor   000000001c000000 1
12:       odm   0000000008000000 1
13:    system   0000000064000000 1
14:   product   0000000008000000 1
15:     cache   0000000046000000 2
16:      data   ffffffffffffffff 4
init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML
eMMC/TSD partition table have been checked OK!
crc32_s:0x1577dad == storage crc_pattern:0x1577dad!!!
crc32_s:0xee152b83 == storage crc_pattern:0xee152b83!!!
crc32_s:0x79f50f07 == storage crc_pattern:0x79f50f07!!!
mmc env offset: 0x6c00000 
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
[store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_read 0x1000000 0x40000]
_verify_dtb_checksum()-3477: calc 2446d204, store 2446d204
_verify_dtb_checksum()-3477: calc 2446d204, store 2446d204
dtb_read()-3694: total valid 2
update_old_dtb()-3675: do nothing
aml_i2c_init_port init regs for 0
fusb302_init: Device ID: 0x91
CC connected in 1 as UFP
fusb302 detect chip.port_num = 0

amlkey_init() enter!
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 1
vpu: clk_level in dts: 7
vpu: vpu_power_on
vpu: set clk: 666667000Hz, readback: 666666667Hz(0x100)
vpu: vpu_module_init_config
vpp: vpp_init
vpp: vpp osd2 matrix rgb2yuv..............
cvbs: cpuid:0x29
lcd: detect mode: tablet, key_valid: 0
lcd: detect lcd_clk_path: 1
lcd: failed to get lcd_cpu_gpio_names
lcd: load config from dts
lcd: pinctrl_version: 2
lcd: use panel_type=lcd_0
lcd: error: not find /lcd/lcd_0 node: FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND
lcd: error: lcd_pinmux_load_from_bsp: invalid lcd type
lcd: error: Out of clock range, reset to default setting!
lcd: bl: pinctrl_version: 2
lcd: bl: name: backlight_pwm, method: 1
lcd: error: gpio: wrong name invalid
lcd: bl: aml_bl_power_ctrl: 0
Net:   dwmac.ff3f0000
amlkey_init() enter!
amlkey_init() 71: already init!
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 1
MACADDR:02:00:00:11:0b:01(from chipid)

reboot_mode:::: cold_boot

amlkey_init() enter!
amlkey_init() 71: already init!
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 1
[KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[usid] not programed yet

mac address: c8:63:14:72:4e:21
[KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[deviceid] not programed yet
edid preferred_mode is <NULL>[0]
hdr mode is 0
dv  mode is ver:0  len: 0
hdr10+ mode is 0
HDMI cable is NOT connected
[OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb
[OSD]set initrd_high: 0x7f800000
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x7f800000
[OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x7f800000
[CANVAS]canvas init
[CANVAS]addr=0x7f800000 width=5760, height=2160
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
cvbs: outputmode[panel] is invalid
hdmitx: outputmode[panel] is invalid
vpp: vpp_matrix_update: 0
vpp: g12a/b post2(bit12) matrix: YUV limit -> RGB ..............
lcd: enable: default, invalid, 768x1024@60.0Hz
lcd: tablet driver init(ver 20180718): invalid
lcd: error: invalid lcd type: invalid(5)
vpp: vpp_init_lcd_gamma_table
lcd: error: gpio: wrong name invalid
lcd: error: gpio: wrong name invalid
lcd: error: gpio: wrong name invalid
lcd: error: invalid lcd type: invalid(5)
lcd: bl: set level: 100, last level: 0
lcd: bl: aml_bl_power_ctrl: 1
lcd: clear mute
vpp: Rx hdr_info.hdr_sup_eotf_smpte_st_2084 = 0

amlkey_init() enter!
amlkey_init() 71: already init!
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 1
[KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[usid] not programed yet

mac address: c8:63:14:72:4e:21
[KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[deviceid] not programed yet
gpio: pin GPIOAO_7 (gpio 7) value is 1
saradc: 0x288, hw_ver: 0x32 (VIM3.V12)
Product checking: pass! Hardware version: VIM3.V12
normal power on
boot wol: disable
port mode is usb3.0
Hit Enter or space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- :  0 
pll tsensor avg: 0x1f1d, u_efuse: 0x8092
temp1: 29
ddr tsensor avg: 0x1f2b, u_efuse: 0x8022
temp2: 31
device cool done
cfgload: start ...
cfgload: reading /boot.ini from mmc 0:1 ...
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
cfgload: no /boot.ini or empty file on mmc 0:1
cfgload: reading /boot/boot.ini from mmc 0:1 ...
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
cfgload: no /boot/boot.ini or empty file on mmc 0:1
cfgload: reading /boot.ini from mmc 1:1 ...
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
cfgload: no /boot.ini or empty file on mmc 1:1
cfgload: reading /boot/boot.ini from mmc 1:1 ...
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
cfgload: no /boot/boot.ini or empty file on mmc 1:1
cfgload: reading /boot/boot.ini from mmc 1:5 ...
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
cfgload: no /boot/boot.ini or empty file on mmc 1:5
cfgload: failed to read boot.ini on all partitions!
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
libfdt fdt_setprop(): FDT_ERR_NOSPACE
[rsvmem] bl31 reserved memory set size error.
Bad Linux ARM64 Image magic!
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Partition 20 not found on device 1 **
** Invalid partition 20 **
** Partition 21 not found on device 1 **
** Invalid partition 21 **
** Partition 22 not found on device 1 **
** Invalid partition 22 **
** Partition 23 not found on device 1 **
** Invalid partition 23 **
** Partition 24 not found on device 1 **
** Invalid partition 24 **
sof timeout, reset usb phy tuning
card out
[MSG]mmcinfo failed!
card out
(Re)start USB...
USB0:   USB3.0 XHCI init start
Register 3000140 NbrPorts 2
Starting the controller
scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
** Bad device usb 0 **
** Bad device usb 0 **
Start read misc partition datas!
info->magic = 
info->version_major = 1
info->version_minor = 0
info->slots[0].priority = 15
info->slots[0].tries_remaining = 7
info->slots[0].successful_boot = 0
info->slots[1].priority = 14
info->slots[1].tries_remaining = 7
info->slots[1].successful_boot = 0
info->crc32 = -1075449479
active slot = 0
active_slot: normal
Err imgread(L337):Fmt unsupported!genFmt 0x0 != 0x3


