Tone2 Pro ear pain

I can do that. How should I send it? Are there any instructions?

Actually, I looked at the cost of sending it back and it doesn’t seem like it would be worth the trouble, especially since it’s out of the warranty period.

Can you ask after-sales sevice for help?From your describe about the sound,it seems like the filter you choose is not fit you.

Oh,it may be related to the MCU data memory,you should try to write the default data to the data memory.

  1. You should write the data to the option byte by ST-LINK.The date you can download from here.
    You can have a try as the following picture.

  2. You should write the data to the data memory by ST-LINK.he date you can download from here.
    You can have a try as the following picture.

I just tried updating the DFU with tone2pro-xmos-v1.41-221201.bin, then updating the mcu with tone2pro-mcu-boot-app-v1.4-221128.hex and the problem seems to be resolved again.
Is it necessary to update the mcu separately?

If the version of your Tone2 Pro is lower than V1.3, you should flash MCU to updata.othewise,you should not to flash MCU.