Resetting VIM3 via GPIO

The documentation says there exists a way to reset the board using the GPIO pins:

May I ask how could that be done?
@numbqq, @Frank

@Frank @numbqq any updates?

Hello @ArMAaron

If you want to use GPIO to reset the board , you can follow the steps below to enable GPIO forcereset via kbi:

kvim3# kbi trigger gpio w 1
kvim3# kbi forcereset gpio w 1

Test: Send a low level signal to PIN38(MCU_PA1) to reset the board.
e.g. Short circuit PIN38(MCU_PA1) to PIN40(GND).

Disable GPIO Reset

kvim3# kbi trigger gpio w 0
kvim3# kbi forcereset gpio w 0

Thank you! Will try that out : )