Repo sync is getting failed

Thank you! All work’s!))
!repo sync has finished successfully.!

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I already deleted it…

I deleted the downloaded files and made repo sync. Next I assembled the u-boot command ./mk kvim3l
Started building Android:
lunch kvim3l-userdebug
$ make -j5 otapackage

At 57%, the following error occurs:
CC arch / arm / boot / compressed / fdt_wip.o
CC arch / arm / boot / compressed / fdt.o
AS arch / arm / boot / compressed / lib1funcs.o
AS arch / arm / boot / compressed / ashldi3.o
AS arch / arm / boot / compressed / bswapsdi2.o
AS arch / arm / boot / compressed / piggy.o
LD arch / arm / boot / compressed / vmlinux
OBJCOPY arch / arm / boot / zImage
Kernel: arch / arm / boot / zImage is ready
UIMAGE arch / arm / boot / uImage
“mkimage” command not found - U-Boot images will not be built
make [2]: *** [arch / arm / boot / uImage] Error 1
make [1]: *** [uImage] Error 2
make [1]: Exit from the directory / home / arxip32 / android / vim / out / target / product / kvim3l / obj / KERNEL_OBJ ' make: *** [sub-make] Error 2 make: Exit the directory / home / arxip32 / android / vim / common ’
[57% 40876/71452] // frameworks / native … header-abi-dumper AHardwareBuffer.cpp
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
11:54:39 ​​ninja failed with: exit status 1

failed to build some targets (38:27 (mm: ss))

I synced source too. It is fine, but compilation was failed:

davemf@ubuntu:~/VIM3_pie$ make -j8 otapackage
hardware/amlogic/wifi/configs/ warning: WIFI_MOUDLE is multiwifi
hardware/amlogic/wifi/configs/ warning: WIFI_BUILD_IN is false
hardware/amlogic/bluetooth/configs/ warning: BLUETOOTH_MODULE is BCMBT
hardware/amlogic/bluetooth/configs/ warning: BLUETOOTH_INF is not set
ninja: no work to do.
ninja: no work to do.
device/khadas/kvim3/preinstall/ was modified, regenerating…
hardware/amlogic/wifi/configs/ warning: WIFI_MOUDLE is multiwifi
hardware/amlogic/wifi/configs/ warning: WIFI_BUILD_IN is false
hardware/amlogic/bluetooth/configs/ warning: BLUETOOTH_MODULE is BCMBT
hardware/amlogic/bluetooth/configs/ warning: BLUETOOTH_INF is not set
device/khadas/kvim3/preinstall/ was modified, regenerating…
hardware/amlogic/wifi/configs/ warning: WIFI_MOUDLE is multiwifi
hardware/amlogic/wifi/configs/ warning: WIFI_BUILD_IN is false
hardware/amlogic/bluetooth/configs/ warning: BLUETOOTH_MODULE is BCMBT
hardware/amlogic/bluetooth/configs/ warning: BLUETOOTH_INF is not set
[5/946] including build/make/ …
device/khadas/common/ warning: echo “radio add dt and bootloader”
device/khadas/common/ warning: will keep out/target/product/kvim3/update.img
device/khadas/common/ warning: will keep out/target/product/kvim3/
[313/946] including hardware/amlogic/audio/ …
“---------ott audio mode, compiler configure 2 channels output by default--------”
[316/946] including hardware/amlogic/camera/ …
pdk or not:
target board: g12b
git version: “680d1e81caed512949ba2114d4de5ab08318ee69”
uncomment: 0 files
last changed: “Date: Fri Feb 28 14:46:01 2020 +0800”
build time: " Thu Mar 26 02:09:21 PDT 2020"
builder name: " davemf"
branch name: “* (no branch)”
build mode: userdebug
host name: “ubuntu”
host IP: “”
path: “/home/davemf/VIM3_pie/hardware/amlogic/camera/v3/fake-pipeline2/tests”
[319/946] including hardware/amlogic/gralloc/ …
hardware/amlogic/gralloc/ warning: “the value of GPU_ARCH is bifrost”
hardware/amlogic/gralloc/ warning: “the value of BOARD_RESOLUTION_RATIO is 1080”
hardware/amlogic/gralloc/ warning: “the value of GPU_TYPE is gondul”
[321/946] including hardware/amlogic/hwcomposer/ …
“Build HWC 2.0”
[534/946] including system/sepolicy/ …
system/sepolicy/ warning: BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS not specified, assuming current platform version
[905/946] including vendor/amlogic/common/LibTsPlayer/ …
vendor/amlogic/common/LibTsPlayer/jni/media_control/ warning: 9
vendor/amlogic/common/LibTsPlayer/jni/media_control/ warning: 9
vendor/amlogic/common/LibTsPlayer/jni/media_processor/ warning: .
vendor/amlogic/common/LibTsPlayer/jni/media_processor/ warning: 9
vendor/amlogic/common/LibTsPlayer/jni/test/ warning: Kitkat
vendor/amlogic/common/LibTsPlayer/jni/test/ warning: vendor/amlogic/common/LibTsPlayer/jni/test
[914/946] including vendor/amlogic/common/apps/NativeImagePlaye/ …
vendor/amlogic/common/apps/NativeImagePlaye/jni/ warning: libnativehelper/include_jni
[932/946] including vendor/amlogic/common/frameworks/ …
vendor/amlogic/common/frameworks/core/jni/screencontrol/ warning: libnativehelper/include_jni
vendor/amlogic/common/frameworks/core/jni/systemcontrol/ warning: libnativehelper/include_jni
[933/946] including vendor/amlogic/common/gpu/lib/ …
vendor/amlogic/common/gpu/lib/ warning: “the value of BOARD_INSTALL_VULKAN is false”
[938/946] including vendor/amlogic/common/prebuilt/ …
“no bootaccelerate source code, add prebuilts”
“no exoplayer source code, add prebuilts”
[941/946] including vendor/amlogic/common/tdk/linuxdriver/ …
make: Entering directory /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/out/target/product/kvim3/obj/KERNEL_OBJ' Building modules, stage 2. MODPOST 2 modules CC /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/out/target/product/kvim3/obj/optee_modules/optee.mod.o CC /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/out/target/product/kvim3/obj/optee_modules/optee/optee_armtz.mod.o LD [M] /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/out/target/product/kvim3/obj/optee_modules/optee/optee_armtz.ko LD [M] /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/out/target/product/kvim3/obj/optee_modules/optee.ko make: Leaving directory /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/out/target/product/kvim3/obj/KERNEL_OBJ’
[944/946] including vendor/amlogic/common/tv/tvserver/ …
“have hardware/amlogic/media”
“have hardware/amlogic/media”
[946/946] including vendor/widevine/ …
device/khadas/kvim3/ warning: overriding commands for target out/target/product/kvim3/obj/lib_vendor/mali.ko' vendor/amlogic/common//gpu/ warning: ignoring old commands for target out/target/product/kvim3/obj/lib_vendor/mali.ko’
build/make/core/ warning: overriding commands for target out/target/product/kvim3/system/usr/icu/icudt60l.dat' build/make/core/ warning: ignoring old commands for target out/target/product/kvim3/system/usr/icu/icudt60l.dat’
build/make/core/ warning: overriding commands for target out/host/linux-x86/usr/icu/icudt60l.dat' build/make/core/ warning: ignoring old commands for target out/host/linux-x86/usr/icu/icudt60l.dat’
build/make/core/Makefile:28: warning: overriding commands for target out/target/product/kvim3/obj/lib_vendor/ddr_window_64.ko' device/khadas/kvim3/ warning: ignoring old commands for target out/target/product/kvim3/obj/lib_vendor/ddr_window_64.ko’
build/make/core/Makefile:28: warning: overriding commands for target out/target/product/kvim3/vendor/etc/init/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service.rc' build/make/core/ warning: ignoring old commands for target out/target/product/kvim3/vendor/etc/init/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service.rc’
[ 0% 6/21615] target Prebuilt: Chrome …/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk)
FAILED: out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk
/bin/bash -c “(rm -f out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk ) && (cp "device/khadas/kvim3/preinstall/Chrome.apk" "out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk" ) && (if (zipinfo out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk ‘lib/.so’ 2>/dev/null | grep -v ’ stor ’ >/dev/null) ; then rm -rf out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/uncompressedlibs && mkdir out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/uncompressedlibs; unzip -q out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk 'lib/.so’ -d out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/uncompressedlibs && zip -qd out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk ‘lib/*.so’ && ( cd out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/uncompressedlibs && find lib -type f | sort | zip -qD -X -0 …/package.apk -@ ) && rm -rf out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/uncompressedlibs; fi ) && (if ! out/host/linux-x86/bin/zipalign -c -p 4 out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk >/dev/null ; then mv out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk.unaligned; out/host/linux-x86/bin/zipalign -f -p 4 out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk.unaligned out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk.aligned; mv out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk.aligned out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk; fi )”
Unable to open ‘out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk’ for verification
Unable to open ‘out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk.unaligned’ as zip archive
mv: cannot stat ‘out/target/product/kvim3/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk.aligned’: No such file or directory
[ 0% 13/21615] build out/target/product/kvim3/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config
make: Entering directory /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/common' make[1]: Entering directory /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/out/target/product/kvim3/obj/KERNEL_OBJ’
GEN ./Makefile
arch/arm/configs/kvim_a32_defconfig:481:warning: unexpected data: GONFIG_GPIOLIB=y
arch/arm/configs/kvim_a32_defconfig:482:warning: unexpected data: GONFIG_OF_GPIO=y
configuration written to .config
make[1]: Leaving directory /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/out/target/product/kvim3/obj/KERNEL_OBJ' make: Leaving directory /home/davemf/VIM3_pie/common’
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
02:10:00 ninja failed with: exit status 1

failed to build some targets (01:45 (mm:ss))

You can delete the Chrome application on path device/khadas/kvim3/preinstall, Or can download the new Chrome application to replace the old.
password: 8k71

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Maybe your issue is the same with Davemf

I think this problem is different from davemf
What did I do:
1.sync -4
2.make clean
3. repo start vim3l --all
4.install cc for u-boot and linux kernel
5. ./mk kvim3l
7. lunch kvim3l-userdebug
8. make j6 otapacage

And the output got this problem:
“mkimage” command not found - U-Boot images will not be built
make [2]: *** [arch / arm / boot / uImage] Error 1
make [1]: *** [uImage] Error 2
make [1]: Exit from the directory / home / arxip32 / android / vim / out / target / product / kvim3l / obj / KERNEL_OBJ ' make: *** [sub-make] Error 2 make: Exit the directory / home / arxip32 / android / vim / common ’
[58% 41453/71452] // system / vold: libvold clang ++ Benchmark.cpp
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
07:56:51 ninja failed with: exit status 1

failed to build some targets (34:47 (mm: ss))

As I understand it, when building the Android kernel, U-boot is not going to be for some reason. mkimage command not found

You need to build the uboot source code firstly. :sweat:

Yes, I indicated that I first collected the boot and began to build Android. I solved this problem in the following way:
#sudo apt install u-boot-tools

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Now I have new error:
mv: cannot stat ‘out/target/product/kvim3l/obj/APPS/Chrome_intermediates/package.apk.aligned’: No such file or directory
[ 66% 47574/71452] //bionic/libc:common_libc versioner preprocess include [linux_glibc]
warning: attempted to generate guard with empty availability: obsoleted = 23
warning: attempted to generate guard with empty availability: obsoleted = 21
[ 66% 47575/71542] //bionic/libc:libc.llndk versioner preprocess include
warning: attempted to generate guard with empty availability: obsoleted = 23
warning: attempted to generate guard with empty availability: obsoleted = 21
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

your issue is the same with Davemf


@Terry , thanks!
I disabled chrome in mk file, compilation is complete successfully.

Do I understand correctly that after replacing the Chrome application, if I make repo sync and try to build Android again, will the same error be made? After all, when synchronizing, local files are deleted and replaced with those that will be synchronized from the repository?
I will now try to remove Chrome from the sources and .mk. We have difficulties registering at Baidu

build completed successfully (01:29:37 (hh:mm:ss))