NPU Demo and source code

I need TensorFlow on my khadas SBM using the NPU SDK provided by KHADAS… and this is what i get after following the wiki STEP by STEP

KHADAS TEAM please provide support, as your wiki page is faulty

This should be done on a PC…

only running the model should be done on khadas

use this it has readme for each demo


their wiki is not faulty… You got the steps wrong

Tensorflow can’t make use of vim3 NPU… you can convert a tensoflow model to run on vim3

for conversion u install the aml_npu sdk and tensorflow on x86 pc… convert the required model using the conversion scripts

and run the converted model in vim3


omg is that so! i feel stupid now DAMN IT
omg again I am the most stupidest person, am so sorry for being an idiot… thank you for clarifying that to me, wow how embarrassing

so i understand now that i need a host pc to complie everything and bring the model to the vim3

how embarrassing

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@Electr1 hi dear, i think am going to need your help if possible, so am trying to run YoloV3 npu sdk but i want to use camera over ip or to a rtsp.

our friend @Archangel1235 has provided me with a demo and told me to change the source to a rtsp stream and recompile
from here.

this is my personal project right now as i have a camera in my garage that is connected to my router wirelessly. would love to understand how to do those certain steps and change the source to a rtsp . i am currently diving in … any hints and first steps are apreciated. THX! HAIL T-800

also would want to learn how to run NPU for a video file mp4 or avi

to use a video instead of camera try

./aml_obj_detect --video=test.mp4 --annotate

I’m sorry @AKBAAR, I have not yet Used the NPU yet as I am waiting to get a webcam for testing it out., its been over a month since I ordered and no signs of getting it the next month either due to lockdown proposed in my locality due to COVID-19,
sorry mate,:frowning_face:

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oh, i have similar story to you,

so i have ordered this tiny indoor drone which i plan to connect to a router and stream its camera through rtsp and woud love to experimnet with khadas npu to do its magic and do object detection with it, but i also have same problem the shipment is taking so long!! argh

hmm am thinking now to try out youtube videos or video files with kadas npu

np my friend always fun chatting with you , i share my explerience if anything comes to light with me

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Any time bro :sunglasses:,
today I will start to learn about the NPU and how to use It and tell you soon.

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yeah ok I will try to test this first and then I will share my experience

so cool! you will have fun!
here is some awesome links and sources i found that might intrest you dear

first, need to make khadas npu object detect video files!! very important, such as .mp4, .avi, .mov, or any video file.
i tried using Yolov3 c++ but i have this problem


Ok will learn and tell you soon ! :smile:
Thank you so much for these resources I will definitely return with some good news for you

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hey @AKBAAR i found this on github see if it is what you want,

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i do i do my dear, any source to tinker with and experminet with my T-800 khadas is always welcome! i made a new bookmark folder for any khadas related articles!

ooo deap learning vis RTSP woaa nice find Electr1 ! now lets see the magic happens , Thanx :star_struck:


No problem my friend, :smile:

Using larrylart code I was able to run the demo using mobilenet ssd v2 with rtsp streams…


Cool one, but I don’t get it how have you connected the camera ?

can you elaborate the steps kindly if u have time… because mine just crashes in the end and i had to edit some configs, atleast i want to go objdetection on video files

for video files try h265 or h264 files

for rtsp streams. you need to change line 117 in aml_obj_detect.cpp


cap = VideoCapture(cameraDevice,CAP_V4L);


cap = VideoCapture(“rtspurl”);

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am still having hard time to run video on the npu