Manjaro ARM for the VIM3

Updated to Kernel 5.7.6

Updated to linux kernel 5.7.8


Hello. I have read the whole topic. I do not fully understand some details. Can’t we install Manjaro directly on EMMC? Or is it just installing on sd card?

I want to upload using this link. My system is vim 3 pro

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due to some technical discrepancies, direct eMMC image installation is not possible, but there is a script along with the manjaro on the SD card where you can flash Manjaro to your eMMC during run-time, while you are running Manjaro…

I downloaded 20.06 and installed it on my sd card with rufus.

I inserted the sd card. I pressed the power button and pressed the middle button 3 times quickly. the blue light faded for a while. This is something we already know.

Then the word khadas appears on the screen. and it stays that way. I tried a few times but it didn’t work

i install android 9 on emmc

Hmm, its supposed to enter a configuration menu on the first boot, maybe try reflashing the image,
if android still boots and operates perfectly, it might be a problem with the SD card

Yes, you are right. I have done it now. first asks for keyboard layout. then their username and password. When he writes everything, he says ok and restarts the system. and he asks the same things again. I re-enter but the problem does not change.

After the restart it should start into desktop mode.

20.06 is a very old image I will upload 20.10 that’s released yesterday.

Flashing os on emmc of amlogic board is still a bit complicated.
Currently for normal users the available image boots over existing Android uboot in emmc.

Then once the os is running fine over sd card then you can run the install to emmc script in boot partition and it will erase your emmc and flash everything needed to boot off emmc.

After script says manjaro installation successfully then reboot it and try to activate multiboot again with sd card still inserted, after booting into sd card once then you can shutdown and remove the sd card and power on the board to boot into emmc.

There is another was to flash Manjaro on emmc using the mainline uboot image that ive tested but its just for pro users.

If you want to give it a try then ill be happy to get 20.10 mainline uboot image for you but to make it work you will need to erase emmc completely as mainline uboot cannot boot over Android uboot.

The current kernel is 5.8.10 audio and wifi works fine. My vim3 is powered on 24*7 with mainline uboot and Manjaro which is a build server for gitlab aarch64 pkgs.


I am looking forward to 20.10 and 5.8.10 versions. I hope the fan is working because in goneme 5.7 rc7 the fan is not working and it gets very hot.

Secondly, when I install this and the new update arrives, will I have to delete everything or will the update be installed in the same way?

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Oh yes the fan runs else I could never use it as build server coz I build all aarch64 kernels on it.

No, I does not delete anything, it just installs updates pkgs, Manjaro is a rolling release distro so it will keep updating regularly. Atleast once a month.


Thanks @Spikerguy

If you want to give it a try then ill be happy to get 20.10 mainline uboot image for you but to make it work you will need to erase emmc completely as mainline uboot cannot boot over Android uboot.

I want to download the compilation


Currently building one with boot script which will need Android uboot on emmc.
Uploading might take long time as my upload speed is quite slow.

Then ill put mainline uboot version to build.

Update: Last nights upload failed due to insufficient storage on nextcloud. I will try to upload it somewhere else tonight my upload speed is quite slow can’t wait to switch my ISP.

Update 2: Tried to upload 2 files and both ended half way through :frowning: Will try to upload it one by one.


Tested on 20.10 version (20.06 updated to 20.10)
Suspend mode doesn’t work (some kernel crash)
UART log:

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Never tested suspend though as my device is always on :frowning:

Will look into it though but afaik suspend doesnt really work well on arm devices.
Thanks for the logs.


Linux Kernel updated to 5.9.8 and Panfrost support is much better now but still not so stable for regular use.


yes manjaro is very beautiful. But I turned to android because of sound and a few problems. It is the only system I will choose when fully stable and instead of ubuntu.


Joined testing branch :smiley: should the panfrost be enabled by default or do I need extra steps?
Also upgrading from 20.06 to current testing I only have 1024x768 while on 20.06 1920x1080 was working correctly.

Also a small bonus, PC browser base game runs, just kind of slideshow :stuck_out_tongue:


Then it is running on llvm.

You will need mesa-git for panfrost to work anf better on linux-rc package.

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linux-rc did not boot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I missed something?

Sorry it won’t boot on Android bsp uboot as text offset got removed
Only option is linux or linux-vim

Good luck

[xmesaj2@vim3 ~]$ sudo dmesg | grep panfrost
[    4.569566] panfrost ffe40000.gpu: clock rate = 24000000
[    4.571292] panfrost ffe40000.gpu: supply mali not found, using dummy regulator
[    4.578777] panfrost ffe40000.gpu: mali-g52 id 0x7212 major 0x0 minor 0x0 status 0x0
[    4.586209] panfrost ffe40000.gpu: features: 00000000,13de77ff, issues: 00000000,00000400
[    4.594304] panfrost ffe40000.gpu: Features: L2:0x07110206 Shader:0x00000000 Tiler:0x00000809 Mem:0x1 MMU:0x00002830 AS:0xff JS:0x7
[    4.606037] panfrost ffe40000.gpu: shader_present=0x3 l2_present=0x1
[    4.627534] [drm] Initialized panfrost 1.1.0 20180908 for ffe40000.gpu on minor 0

that means its working? kde system info still says llvmpipe, upgrading to mesa-git on 5.9.8 results in glitches and missing text only, then crashes kwin or freezes entire OS so I rebooted and restored old mesa anything else I should do?