Making Fenix images in Github

ok, found it in the forum…
dd bs=1M of=ls /dev/mmcblk?boot0 | head -c12 if=/tmp/mounts/USB-sda1-DBF5-1E03/
sudo halt

problem is, it does not boot…

Ok, I did it finally like this:

  • boot kresq from SD
  • install mainline kernel to EMMC from kresq
  • extract from this flashable image file: VIM1_Debian-server-buster_Linux-5.10-rc6_arm64_SD-USB_V0.9.8-201211.img.xz, and put it on a an thumb drive
  • mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
  • flash that file (/mnt/*.xz) from kresq
  • halt
    remove sd card --> vim1 boot from emmc on debian buster 5.10-rc6 kernel !

@numbqq I have a suggestion for the fenix repository,
could you have a cron scheduler to make github actions runs the workflow every day at 00:00AM
so we can have nightly builds of Fenix! :grinning:


No need for this if there don’t have any commit(s).


Hi, I tried this, but mine stays queued for ever :frowning: any ideas? (it seems to be a known issue with github)

can you link to the build ?
mine works perfectly fine

use this script:

Hi @Electr1

Sure, here it is: Actions · manuel-arguelles/fenix · GitHub

It’s weird since when I pushed the changes to the config-template.conf file I get 3 actions: build firmware, test build ubuntu and test build debian. I canceled the debian and ubuntu ones and the firmware started working. Then I relaunch the ubuntu ones.

@manuel-arguelles the script I gave executes under Build Firmware :slightly_smiling_face:

and accordingly there is an image build successfully:
Update config-template.conf · manuel-arguelles/fenix@74ad460 · GitHub

Yes, now I see it, just curious about the other two jobs (test ubuntu and test debian) should I always cancel them?

By the way, what’s the correct way to get this into the emmc? should I follow the steps described by @ravelo:

As I understand, the install type for mainline should always be sd-usb and not emmc right? can I still get it into emmc with krescue?


yup, you need to build mainline with SD-USB :slightly_smiling_face:

and if you need mainline emmc image, refer to one of @hyphop’s old posts, and add MAKE_RAW=True in the line that currently says COMPRESS_IMAGE=True make

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I added INSTALL_TYPE_RAW=yes as described here No EMMC support with Linux >= 5.9? - #5 by hyphop to main.yml but failed with:

Info: Simple raw image suitable for dd write -> VIM3_Ubuntu-minimal-focal_Linux-5.10-rc6_arm64_SD-USB_V1.0.2-210215.raw.img
dd: failed to open 'u-boot/fip/_tmp/': No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:5: all] Error 1
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

INSTALL_TYPE_RAW=yes only for vendor kernel 4.9 and uboot-2015.01 but i will add more tolerant behavior if this param was defined for mainline images

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Thanks @hyphop!

Could you please describe what’s the correct process to install an ubuntu image of mainline kernel and u-boot to the emmc?

basic example for vim3

source env/

#VERSION: 1.0.2



# next step write images to emmc 
# build/images/VIM3_Ubuntu-minimal-focal_Linux-5.10-rc6_arm64_SD-USB_V1.0.2-210216.img.xz
  • just start krescue from sd and write this image (u can put this image to sd 2nd partition or write directly to emmc by network without copying )
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its so darn confusing with mainline,
luckily @hyphop is here to help :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


have you found a way to build a update mainline fenix image for emmc?

I have the feeling all all sdcard images flashed to emmc start Bootlooping once having done apt full-upgrade rebooted

we will check it - very very soon
but plz write us ! which image was written + other details !

I found the issue

After doing apt full-upgrade

I need to disable ubuntu watchdog… But i have no idea why or what is causing this

Only then the image won’t do a Bootloop after rebooting

I checked latest build mainline image and perform full upgrade it also works, and the watchdog service is disabled by default.

khadas@Khadas:~$ systemctl status watchdog.service 
● watchdog.service - watchdog daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/watchdog.service; disabled; vendor pre>
     Active: inactive (dead)
khadas@Khadas:~$ uname -a
Linux Khadas 5.10.0-rc6 #1.0.2 SMP Fri Feb 19 18:58:07 CST 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
khadas@Khadas:~$ cat /etc/fenix-release 
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