Latest Edge-V image .. will changes be added to FreeBSD upstream?

I have just ordered Edge-V board to run FreeBSD, can someone point me to the location of the latest images.

Also, will support for this board be fed upstream to mainline FreeeBSD?
I would like to get “HelloSystem” (a MacOS looking os built on FreeBSD), to keep everything in sync, would make sense if this board is supported in mainline FreeBSD.


Hello, Welcome to the community.
Latest FreeBSD images can be found here. And for use with Krescue, here. Latest looks to be about a year old. I do not know if they can be updated within the OS using commands similar to the way it is done in Ubuntu, like sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get update, etc.

As if it wasn’t obvious, I have not yet tried FreeBSD and do not know if the Edge-V is supported in mainline FreeBSD.
Good luck

Thanks. By the way, what is “krescue” ?

Yes, FreeBSD can be upgraded on the fly with “pkg update”, my question was more aimed at mainline support for all the board specific stuff, currently there is no FreeBSD build for Edge-V.

I am concerned that the latest build is a year old, either that means that everything works, or their is not continual development.

By the way.Notice a more recent build here:

Krescue is a tiny OS designed to provide eMMC backup/restore functions, as well as flashing OSes to the eMMC and many other uses and utility. It can be booted and run from an SD card, or installed to eMMC or SPI flash.

It appears user @SleepWalker was developer for the BSD images used on the Edges. Maybe you could send them a message and see what the plan is for the future.

Be interesting to see who made the image you linked to.

its builded by same @SleepWalker :wink: , i will sync our images for FreeBSD soon

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Cool, that will be great. In return, I will port across HelloSystem OS, and post here when done.

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Hello everybody!

FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE certainly works on Khadas-EDGE-V.
You just need a custom U-boot to run.
You can download the latest custom build of FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE here.
It includes some differences from the official one, for example, there is an HDMI-AUDIO driver.
The image also contains all the source code and a modified bsdinstall utility. It allows you to install the system on eMMC, USB or NVMe, after starting from the SD CARD.

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