Khadas VIM3 is launching on 24 June!

What is the pinout of IR in vim3…?

Yes, I meant USB3 to SATA adapter. I referenced your post here.

This is a PCIe card featuring either an ASM1061 or ASM1062 SATA controller. With some M.2 to PCIe extension cable and external power supply (the card most probably wants 12V to work properly) you can use this card to attach one or two SATA devices (either the eSATA or the SATA ports work on these ASMedia based cards).

Makes maybe even a little bit more sense as Khadas’ expensive M.2 Extension board since you can attach 2 SATA devices. With cards based on Marvell 88SE9215 even 4 SATA devices could be attached.

Schematics and other hardware info can be found here.

I snipped the IR section from the schematic.

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Thanks for the information

Is it possible to take gpio pins because ir pins controlled directly by mcu?

Not sure I understand the question.
What is your objective?

The IR pin connect to MCU is used for wake up the CPU by IR remote.

i need to extend the IR from board

received my VIM3 Pro today.

NIC ist NOT working…

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr C8:63:14:70:47:3B
      inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:59 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:20163 (19.6 KiB)

no RX… testet wiht multiple Roms and cable. what can i do? :frowning:
WLAN is working
give manual IP is NOT working.

Which rom. Did you use?

CoreElec, khadas Android, khadas ubuntu and the ATV beta1 Rom.

The cable is working with my raspi. So i think the Port ist broken in my VIM :frowning:

I see, but just for confirmation can you flash original android to the device using usb cable upgrade mode?

Just try flashing it and share the details, maybe khadas team can help you if there is hardware problem.

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I did this already. Used the newest android from docs.khadas

Hello, I have some USB cables that work in one device and not another. While I have not experienced this with any of my HDMI cables, I would try a different cable just to rule it out.

I tested 5 different cables. In 3 different routers and 4 different Ports :slight_smile:

Not sure how you could do it. Other than physically relocating the sensor.
One of the brains will have to help with that. :grin:

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Hi, backers:
Thanks for the orders!

I just close this thread as we recommend users to create different questions on different topics to make Khadas Forum readable.

Have fun!