Khadas Edge Box Bricked on flashing firmware to EMMC

Hi I was trying to burn Android Firmware to EMMC on my Edge-V using burn-tool :

mohit@mohit-H110M-S2:~/Downloads/Edge_Nougat_V190624$ burn-tool -v rk -i update.img 
Try to burn Rockchip image...
Burn to eMMC...
Rockchip Android image (or linux image compatible with AndroidTool one image burning) found!
Try to burn Rockchip image...
Loading firmware...
Support Type:RK330C	FW Ver:7.1.00	FW Time:2019-06-24 16:24:22
Loader ver:1.18	Loader Time:2019-06-14 13:33:10
Upgrade firmware ok.

Then I landed up in Android Recovery, I tried to flash the Nougat image again :

mohit@mohit-H110M-S2:~/Downloads/Edge_Nougat_V190624$ burn-tool -v rk -i update.img 
Try to burn Rockchip image...
Burn to eMMC...
Rockchip Android image (or linux image compatible with AndroidTool one image burning) found!
Try to burn Rockchip image...
Loading firmware...
Support Type:RK330C	FW Ver:7.1.00	FW Time:2019-06-24 16:24:22
Loader ver:1.18	Loader Time:2019-06-14 13:33:10
Prepare IDB Fail
mohit@mohit-H110M-S2:~/Downloads/Edge_Nougat_V190624$ burn-tool -v rk -i update.img 
Try to burn Rockchip image...
Burn to eMMC...
Rockchip Android image (or linux image compatible with AndroidTool one image burning) found!
Try to burn Rockchip image...
Loading firmware...
Support Type:RK330C	FW Ver:7.1.00	FW Time:2019-06-24 16:24:22
Loader ver:1.18	Loader Time:2019-06-14 13:33:10
Download Boot Fail

Now it’s not even able to get detected. can someone please advise on how to fix this.

@theperfectpunk, Can you re-insert type-C and re-burn.It maybe just a accidental forehead error.Can you use a serial tool to connet the board.Serial ports print a lot of helpful information. We need it to analyze problems.

Hi @Frank
I have ft232r serial to USB converter, Can you tell me what GPIO pins to connect on Edge-V and the baud rate to set?

@theperfectpunk , There is the docs about how to connect you serial tool.

Hi @Frank ,

Full log :

@theperfectpunk, try to use txt mode to eter upgrade mode and re-burn it . This is because the firmware of the last burning is incomplete and some of the contents are missing.

@theperfectpunk ,Because burning tools under Linux are a bit unstable, you can also use windows burning tools.If burning half fails again, that suggest using tools under Windows or burning Ubuntu firmware.

Hi @Frank,

when I try to enter tst mode, it doesn’t get detected
full log

@theperfectpunk If you enter upgrade mode by tst mode. No information will be printed, you can confirmation by observing the light. You will see the Power-LED (Blue) blink for about 3 seconds. After the Power-LED (Blue) turns OFF, this indicates that the board is in Upgrade Mode (Maskrom Mode).And that you can burn the firmware.

Hi @Frank
I tried entering TST mode, but it doesn’t get detected (checked lsusb). Is there any way I can get working from u-boot. I am able to access u-boot, can I flash the whole firmware from there?.

@theperfectpunk Are you sure your connection is correct? It can enter the TST mode in any case.!TnI3CAyD!pI5ptpffTpZfT7Brjm2CvHQge5MaCdGy9xgcM6uu9RQ

cd Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.47
sudo chmod a+x upgrade_tool
sudo ./upgrade_tool ef update.img
sudo ./upgrade_tool uf update.img

ef Representation erasure.
uf Representative upgrade.

In fact, there are people here who have the same problems as you.