How to get USB OTG port to work in Device mode?

has it got an ip address on the vim3 side? what does the output of ifconfig look like?

that’s the problem, whenever I try to ssh into it it refuses the connection, have to try on my tv, will tell you soon

yeah - or stick a serial to usb device on it - very useful for debugging! Can log in over that instead

Ok, i just tried using my TV to see it boot up, it taking so long, I think my SD card is dying, need a replacement soon :neutral_face:

ok usb0 works!, but I need to Know how to SSH into it from my computer when it is connected

By works do you mean it has an IP address?

Can you ping it? Can you ssh in from another Linux box

yeah, I need to use a debugger and check for those detail, I will post them soon, I have a bit of work, once I’m freed up I will tell you

I am having technical difficulties, i am getting this in windows, any idea ?image

something like asking to update the driver?

Did that but it says driver is upto date

This entire process is quite troublesome, I have spent 2 days trying to get this to just show up and say device needs further installation but Online search gives nothing

@birty do you have any idea ?

don’t be surprised it’s Windows :slightly_smiling_face:

hehe, I know that, who knows if it is really upto date ?

is this correct ?

Had a quick look in my lunch break earlier - got mine to the same place - says device didn’t work. It works to talk to Linux with the same device. So perhaps it’s the vendor and product IDs meaning that it tries to load the wrong drivers. The pid and vid in that script are for Google Nexus phones. Windows might be trying to be too clever. Seem to remember there are .inf files that have the IDs in them and tell windows which driver to load. Might have to get a more generic usb networking device, but then it does say generic already… Not used this on windows I’m afraid. Will have a play later if I get time

but did it work for you ?

no - got to the same place as you - but only got as far as burning a new image and pluggin it in to see what happened

As @hyphop said maybe I should take a look at the firmware of Krescue as it has usb-otg working, If khadas doesn’t take me wrong, we could get a little more support in this topic as it one of the important things listed as a part of the VIM3 or any of the of their SBC’s anyway what do you say ?

its working on the vim3 already - just not with windows :slight_smile:

Ive got 5 of them joined together using USB ethernet networking on my desk right now!

Ahh, windows why are you killing me, I just want to ssh into my VIM3 over usb not hack the whitehouse or create a backdoor into the pentagon :tired_face: