How to command installation of v4l library??

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How to command installation of v4l library??
Does khadas have an independent v4l deb package?

Hello @Lexus

What you want to do? Which package you want to install?

I am conducting in-depth research.
I want the v4l deb package, which can be tuned to mpp

Hello @Lexus

Please provide more details, we don’t know what you want to do.

@Lexus you mean this package ?

It’s currently available by this PPA for ubuntu system:

other system you must build yourself

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sudo apt install v4l-utils

Test it:

v4l2-ctl --list-devices

sudo apt install libv4l-dev

The information given feels very good :grinning:. in addition
Excuse me, is there a source code project specifically designed for the rk platform and Chromium tool?

@Lexus maybe you can check out this for chromium for rk platform, the packaged version of this is provided in the above PPA:

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How do I only compile Wayland Chrome??

Can kind people tell me?

@Lexus wayland chrome will be available using ozone flag in chrome i.e chrome://flags/#ozone-platform-hint it’s not specific to any build.