How to add Personal infrared user code to the power. c file code in the BL30 project?

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How to add your own infrared user code to the power. c file code in the BL30 project?

My remote control’s user code is 04cb;

In the following array list, the last four digits represent the user code, so how are the preceding numbers calculated?

Please let me know, thank you!


static IRPowerKey_t prvPowerKeyList[] = {
	{ 0xef10fe01, IR_NORMAL}, /* ref tv pwr */
	{ 0xba45bd02, IR_NORMAL}, /* small ir pwr */
	{ 0xef10fb04, IR_NORMAL}, /* old ref tv pwr */
	{ 0xf20dfe01, IR_NORMAL},
	{ 0xe51afb04, IR_NORMAL},
	{ 0x3ac5bd02, IR_CUSTOM},
        /* add more */

Hello @Lexus

@goenjoy @xiong.zhang will help you there.

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@Lexus 2 digit key value inverse code+2 digit key value code+4 digit user code. For example, the khadas ir remote control sets the power key to wake up.

bootloader/uboot$ git diff
--- a/bl30/src_ao/demos/amlogic/n200/t7/kvim4/power.c
+++ b/bl30/src_ao/demos/amlogic/n200/t7/kvim4/power.c
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static TaskHandle_t cecTask = NULL;
 //static int vdd_ee;
 static IRPowerKey_t prvPowerKeyList[] = {
-       { 0xef10fe01, IR_NORMAL}, /* ref tv pwr */
+       { 0xeb14ff00, IR_NORMAL}, /* ref tv pwr */

2 digit key value inverse code+2 digit key value code+4 digit user code:
key^(0xeb) + key(0x14) + customcode(0xff00) = 0xeb14ff00

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Thank you!
but How did 0xeb come from?

Thank you very much. I understand.