How do I set the second IR code to turn on if there is no "kbi ircode" command?

The situation:
I have a Khadas Vim3 Pro and Ugoos M6 Plus, their factory code is the same, so I would need to change the IR codes for both devices.

Ugooos M6 okay (Android second power IR code), rewrite succeeded.
But Khadas Vim3 gives me an error with the command “kbi ircode customer1 w 0xbc43bf00” and “kbi customer1 r” is not displayed either.
What’s next?

kvim3 # kbi version
version: 02

Khadas factory Linux okay, the dtb file was successfully rewritten to other IR codes, works. But poweron is still a problem.

Which image and what errors ?

OS version:
Fenix 0.9 Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Linux 4.9.224

from boot process log:
customer pwrkeys for IR is NULL, use defaults!
BL2 Built : 15:22:05, Aug 28 2019. g12b g1bf2b53 - luan.yuan@droid15-sz
[Image: g12b_v1.1.3390-6ac5299 2019-09-26 14:10:05 luan.yuan@droid15-sz]
NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):4fc40b1
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 15:58:17, May 22 2019
saradc: 0x28c, hw_ver: 0x32 (VIM3.V12)
Product checking: pass! Hardware version: VIM3.V12

Hit Enter or space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- : 0
kvim3#kbi bootmode r
bootmode: spi

There doesn’t seem to be a “kbi ircode” command:
kvim3#kbi ircode customer1 r
kbi - Khadas Bootloader Instructions sub-system

kbi [function] [mode] [write|read] <value>

kbi version - read version information
kbi usid - read usid information
kbi powerstate - read power on state
kbi poweroff - power off device
kbi ethmac - read ethernet mac address
kbi hwver - read board hardware version

kbi led [systemoff|systemon] w <off|on|breathe|heartbeat> - set blue led mode
kbi led [systemoff|systemon] r - read blue led mode

kbi forcereset [wol|gpio] w <0|1> - disable/enable force-reset
kbi forcereset [wol|gpio] r - read state of force-reset
[notice: the wol|gpio boot trigger must be enabled if you want to enable force-reset]

kbi bootmode w <emmc|spi> - set bootmode to emmc or spi
kbi bootmode r - read current bootmode

kbi portmode w <0|1> - set port as usb3.0 or pcie
kbi portmode r - read current port mode

kbi trigger [wol|rtc|ir|dcin|key|gpio] w <0|1> - disable/enable boot trigger

kbi trigger [wol|rtc|ir|dcin|key|gpio] r - read mode of a boot trigger

Please use latest Ubuntu 20.04 image to check. This version doesn’t support kbi ircode.

Check here:

And then upgrade the system:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get full-upgrade
$ sudo do-fenix-full-upgrade  

Thank you very much,
this could be mentioned in the documentation.