Having trouble in using Teams app in VIM3

You can try this for Teams

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Thanks for your reply, this solution is suggesting magisk app(I downloaded it but not understanding how to do further process) , also we want to remove root status from build itself, when we gone for user build there is no root signature and in the link you shared it suggests an app called YASNAC - Yet Another SafetyNet Attestation Checker, to check whether it passes safety net, my user build is passing both.

Only thing I am not able to check is to remove busybox from the source build then check whether intune company portal this time detecting device as unrooted or rooted. Thanks for your response, if you have any other suggestions it will be helpful

For my user build of aosp9 for kvim3, su binaries are not there. when I ran a root check application, I found that testkeys is the one exposing the build as custom or modified firmware to intune company portal app.


any one have any idea how to overcome this, chatgpt is giving these suggestions If your AOSP build is using “test-keys” and you want to create a custom firmware that doesn’t trigger the detection of custom firmware by security apps like the Intune Company Portal and doesn’t get flagged as rooted, you should consider the following steps:

1. Change Keys: The “test-keys” are typically associated with development and testing builds. To create a custom firmware that doesn’t use test keys, you should generate your own set of keys for signing the firmware. This involves creating new keys and modifying your build configuration to use them instead of the default test keys.a. Generate new keys using a tool like genkey or openssl. You can find detailed instructions in the Android documentation on how to generate signing keys.b. Update the build configuration (typically found in the build/target/product/security/ directory) to use your new keys for signing the firmware instead of the test keys. Replace the test key references with your new key references.c. Rebuild your AOSP firmware with the updated keys.
2. Set Release Build Type: Ensure that your AOSP build is set to a “release” build type. Release builds typically disable debugging features and may have optimizations for performance and security. This can help prevent the firmware from being detected as a development or test build.In your build configuration (e.g., BoardConfig.mk), set TARGET_USER_BUILD_TYPE to “release” instead of “userdebug” or “eng.”

what I should do ?