Final release of OpenWrt 19.07.8 for Khadas SBC VIM1 VIM2 VIM3 VIM3L Edge

OKay!Thank U.Take your time!

I have executed the command and it has no effect. And the method I found on the Internet does not work on vim3. Is there a problem with OpenWRT? I have tried a lot, but I have not been able to run OpenWRT 19.07.7.

hi plz wait i will update images to OpenWrt 21.02.0 soon

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at this moment

请问什么时候发布 OpenWrt 21.02.0?已经过去两个多月了。

yes will be announced soon ! WIP already ! need some time for testing new line …

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也就是可能拨号性能有瓶颈? 我看比我们差的r4s拨号有千兆性能。还有什么手段可以排查吗


any help would be much appreciated

can u clarify problem again with English ? and i will check what can we do

Kernel Panic after starting OpenWRT 19.07.8 from SD Card. Previous version 19.07.5.v0.76 wo
rked well.

tnx i will try to update it soon

Hi. Wifi not worked at all, Device is not active, under OpenWRT 19.07.8 and under 21.02, compiled from GitHub - hyphop/khadas-openwrt: openwrt for Khadas boards for myself. Last worked build 19.07.5.

hi i have check this problem
problem only with vendor uboot which stored into emmc
SOLUTION 1 : clean emmc vendor uboot (uboot console: store init 3 or via Krescue → emmc clean)
SOLUTION 2: write mainline uboot - Index of /Firmware/uboot/mainline/ into EMMC
SOLUTION 3: write openwrt image into EMMC (for examle via same krescue)
SOLUTION 4: wait new version i will try to fix it soon

PS: 21.02 still not ready !!!

works fine on my side !

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
[i] BUILD: OPENWRT 19.07.8 v19.07.8 - Wed 22 Sep 2021 05:30:32 AM UTC
[i] POST_CONFIG:  booted=sd hwver=VIM3.V12 script=sd:*.sh
[i] BOOTINFO: uptime: 718.92 sec,  bootup: 6.93

[VIM3] LAN_IP: WAN_IP: MDNS: openwrt-khadas.local
    WEB: http://openwrt-khadas.local WEB TERM: http://openwrt-khadas.local:8088/
root@openwrt-khadas:/# wifi.status 
[i] iw dev
        Interface wlan0
                ifindex 17
                wdev 0x1
                addr 18:93:7f:67:d5:f8
                ssid OpenWrt
                type AP
                channel 36 (5180 MHz), width: 80 MHz, center1: 5210 MHz
                txpower 31.00 dBm
[i] AP mode active hostapd: 4952
wlan0     ESSID: "OpenWrt"
          Access Point: 18:93:7F:67:D5:F8
          Mode: Master  Channel: 36 (5.180 GHz)
          Tx-Power: 31 dBm  Link Quality: 70/70
          Signal: -37 dBm  Noise: unknown
          Bit Rate: 780.0 MBit/s
          Encryption: none
          Type: nl80211  HW Mode(s): 802.11bgnac
          Hardware: 02D0:4359 0000:0000 [Generic MAC80211]
          TX power offset: unknown
          Frequency offset: unknown
          Supports VAPs: yes  PHY name: phy0

80:30:49:18:5C:01  -37 dBm / unknown (SNR -37)  2000 ms ago
        RX: 6.0 MBit/s                                   295 Pkts.
        TX: 780.0 MBit/s                               14295 Pkts.
        expected throughput: unknown

Привет Артем! Спасибо, работает!)) Только в режиме точки доступа лаги, в планах нет допилить? Девайсы неплохие, а ложка дегтя все портит … :frowning:

你好,请问什么时候发布 OpenWrt 21.02.0?

Any updates on new version of openwrt yet?

Team Khadas,

I cannot find any old version of Openwrt for vim3 on your database. Old links not working, how can i get it?


Hello @Yasir_Javed, the firmware for OpenWrt has been moved here:

Не работает с [HP lt4112 Gobi 4G Module].
Запускал gentoo (arm64) на vim3, там определяется модем /dev/ttyUSB0,1,2
Здесь же пусто … Обидно.