EDGE-V Boot Sequence & U-Boot

But which tool should I be using for this file?

To write to your Manjaro image, you can use two DD commands (to save an existing MBR partition table)

dd if=u-boot-rk3399-khadas-edge-v.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=1 count=442
dd if=u-boot-rk3399-khadas-edge-v.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1


This works fine. Thanks alot. Now I would like to know the source for this as it is for Friendly Elec device.
It would be nice if you can share the patches used over the mainline, so we can build our own.

Thanks alot for all your contributions.

Thanks to @balbes150 for helping me with the uboot.

Now I have a working Edge-V with Manjaro Linux and wow it works so smoothly with Panfrost drivers.

But I am not able to get wifi to work. I am using a kernel which we build for Pine64 PineBook Pro and its mainline 5.6.0-1.

Can someone advice on wifi ? I have the pro model so its AP6398S.


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Check the firmware and patches, and the configuration for the core. I have Armbian WiFi on EDGE working.


Please advice on which patch is needed while I will look for tht right firmware file.

Update: renamed the nvram file and now wifi works fine.
