Edge-Android-10-V230524 Rom Release

Anyboby , The latest firmware has been released, see the beginning.


Hi @goenjoy

The following app seems to run in the correct orientation but it seems to not stretch fullscreen.
The screen stays landscape but the app is running one third of the screen in portrait in the middle of the screen. In previous firmwares the app was running fullscreen stretched in landscape mode.
Any way to fix this?

Please check when you install this app

Edge_Qt_V200908 and Edge_Pie_V191227:
It is verified that the two versions of firmware are the same phenomenon.
It’s not as different as you said.

Maybe some of these properties can be modified to fix it?
persist.sys.rotation.einit=3 \

Maybe they changed something in that app’s new versions to make it display differently I think.
I will also contact the developer of the app to ask if they can change something.



It seems this app also has the same small portrait screen inside landscape mode on HDMI output
https://du-recorder.en.uptodown.com/android as the APKPure app.
Do you have any idea perhaps how to fix it?

Do you have access to Vim3 or someone from Khadas can test on a Vim3 if it has the same problem where portrait apps don’t show fullscreen in landscape mode?
Perhaps it works there and then a solution can be found?

@mo123 Vim3 is shown in the figure.
This app forces vertical display. Edge has a function to force all applications to display horizontally.

It is in fullscreen on vim3 but in the incorrect orientation
and on Edge-V it is not fullscreen(black bars on the sides) but in the correct orientation with your added patch. If only there was a way to remove the black bars on the sides and force it fullscreen stretched on Edge-V but maybe it’s not possible.

Here is an older app from Dec 2019, download the 2nd arm version.
Can you check if this older version has the same problem on Edge-V?
It will ask to update but just ignore and check if it displays fullscreen.
I’m not in front of the Edge-V now, so can only check later today.

Do you have any knowledge perhaps in building Android apps that I can send to the developer of the app how to make the app forced horizontal, fullscreen on devices without a gyro sensor? Maybe there is something they can change in the app when compiling it?


I their an option to rotate the screen manually? I remember having this option on the VIM3.

@MikesCo There is no function corresponding to vim3. If you want to rotate, turn on the rotary switch, and then rotate the direction of the board to achieve the screen rotation.

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Any update to Edge-V RK3399 SDK?

@mo123 There is no update plan at the moment.

Link to Firmware Page on the first post in this topic: https://docs.khadas.com/edge/FirmwareAndroid.html to download the ROM gives me an 404 Error

@MikesCo Khadas Edge Android Firmware | Khadas Documentation

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