Do i HAVE to use the oowow Ubuntu image?

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Ubuntu 22.04 non-server version from Oowow

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

official 22.04 oct. image.

Please describe your issue below:

I’m struggling to get my vim4 to usable state without having to run modprobe to load cifs and mount external storage, waiting for wireguard to be available, and now I’m struggling to get UFW to work correctly.

What is the advantage of using the Oowow images from Khadas as opposed to installing Ubuntu directly

To be clear, I’m not talking down about the product or support, I’m just wanting to know why I shouldn’t go directly to the source to get the OS and maybe avoid issues like modules not being installed or having to wait for another release to fully utilize my vim4.

We will add such modules in next release, for now you can add them to /etc/modules if you don’t want to load them manually.

You can’t use the officail Ubuntu image on VIM4 directly, but we will add more common modules as official Ubuntu does.

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VIM4 dint works with official aarch64 ubuntu images - problem is linux kernel ! we just prepare workable images with custom kernel and GPU driver etc …

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What are my options for getting items like wiregaurd working? Other than bring up the issues, then waiting for an image update.

I had somewhat of the same issue with cifs, but i was able to find a thread on here that pointed to using modprobe to load it.

again, i really like the vim4 and appreciate the product support from the team.

Hello @NullOrEmpty

Please try to upgrade the test kernel image:

cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i linux-dtb-amlogic-5.4_1.3_arm64.deb linux-image-amlogic-5.4_1.3_arm64.deb
sudo reboot

After reboot try to load wireguard module.

sudo modprobe wireguard
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Perfect, thank you for helping with this!