Display problem with TS050 and VIM3L

I bought a VIM3L and TS050 touchscreen display. They worked well after I updated the latest firmware for VIM3L (Android 9 200320). Then, the touchscreen suddenly down and displays nothing. When I try to restart, the backlight is on, but nothing shown on the screen(even no boot logo). However, when I connect HDMI, I found the touching function of the touchscreen still works, which means I could use the screen as a trackpad to control the VIM3L.

I have tried to change a new FPC, it is still nothing, so it couldn’t be the problem of FPC.


您好! 谢谢你的提醒,但是在屏幕故障发生之前我并没有动过这根排线,所以可能并不是这个连接不良所造成的问题。我是在屏幕故障后怀疑有接触不良的情况才把这里的排线重新接了一遍。我现在重新连接并换了原装的线,问题还是没有解决。



Would be nice for us non-Chinese speaking/reading if the forum discussion are kept at least in English !!!