Device Tree edit with Fenix

I solved it!

I was replacing the edge DTB, instead of the edgev DTB. I’m using an Edge-V.

Got confused because the source I changed was the *-edge-linux.dtsi which is included by edgev DTS.

Didn’t generate a new image though, I just replaced the file in /boot/…

The image has changed in every compilation but the DTBs inside the image are not the ones compiled in fenix/linux/…

Where do I put the new DTBs to be included in the image?

Thanks! Almost there!

I mean, I have solved it manually by replacing the DTB after flashing the firmware…

But I have not found how to make it to the image… maybe a cleanup before running “make”?

@quatro if you don’t want to rebuild all . you can follow this steps:

  1. edit dtb file
  2. make kernel
  3. find the Image file in /fenix/linux/arch/arm64/boot
  4. rename to zImage
  5. cpoy it to the /boot dir to replace on you board.

awesome… thanks for the time saver! works perfectly