Bluetooth is not working in VIM3L after enabling UART_C

Hey Khadas team,
I am using Khadas VIM3L board, where i activated UART_C , after enabling UART_C my bluetooth has stopped working, and always shows searching for devices.
How can I enable bluetooth and the UART_C at the same time?

Hello @Swathi

Which image you used? How you enabled the UART_C?

Hey @numbqq ,
I made status of
&uart_C {
status = “okay”;
in kvim3l.dts file.But after that my bluetooth is not working.


what image you used?(Android Ubuntu???).

Hey ,
I have used Android image.

Hello @xiong.zhang
Please help to check :wink:

The enablement of uart_C added by this firmware has also tested that Bluetooth can be used normally.

The file path added by VIM3L is common/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/kvim3l.dts

See what the path you added is